Master of Landscape Architecture

Studio Works

The Landscape Design Studio, a core module in the Master of Landscape Architecture programme, aims to develop higher level skills and knowledge in landscape architecture through design projects.

Thirty-seven studios conducted over ten years, led by eleven tutors with different expertise, have worked on one of the ten following topics: deforestation management; land-water interface; Rewilding Singapore; landscape and mobility; everyday neighbourhood landscapes; productive landscapes; landscapes in regional planning; multifunctional landscapes in high-dense environments; landscapes in urbanizing regions; landscape as a necessity.


LA4701 MLA STUDIO: Grown in Singapore – Designing Spaces that Re-Imagine Singapore as a Productive “City in Nature” –  (AY 20/21)

Tutor: Jessica Diehl (NUS), Ervine Lin (NUS)

Authors of Work: Feng Kangtai, Lam Ching Hang Adam, Wang Yu, Ou Yeyao, Wang Xiaomeng, Yin Yi, Hao Jun, Tan Shuyue, Zhu Wen, Xiang Wenqin, Zheng Qiaoyu, Rui Xue, Xie Wanying, Huang Xi, Li Xi, Long Di, Liu Kaiyan, Ge Wenxi, Zhang Liping, Li Wanying, Zhang Kairui, Hong Mengyi, Li Jiaying, Zhang Liao, He Xiaowei, Fang Ting


LA5701 MLA STUDIO: Pandemic Disruptions (AY 20/21)

Tutor: Dorothy Tang (MIT), Melissa Yip (AECOM)

Authors of Work: Bargotra Poornima, Cheng Jing, Ekta Balubhai Rakholiya, Feng Zihan, Han Cong, Lyu Jiawei, Mamiko Tanaka, Ruiee Vithal Dhuri, Shao Zhongran, Wang

Haobo, Xiao Xinyan, Zhang Bingqian, Zhang Bingyi, Zhang Yifei, Zhong Yixin, Zhou Xianfeng, Zhou Zuyuan, Carissa Chin Qiwei, Lim Wenfa

LA4702 MLA STUDIO: Adaptive Jakarta – Landscape Strategies for Real World Issues – (AY 19/20)
Tutor: Ervine Lin (NUS), Kenya Endo (NUS)​
Authors of Work: Bargotra Poornima, Cheng Jing, Chin Carissa, Dhuri Ruiee, Feng Zihan, Han Cong, Lim Wenfa, Liu Jiawei, Rakholiya Ekta, Shao Zhongran, Tanaka Mamiko, Wang Haobo, Xiao Xinyan, Zhang Bingqian, Zhang Bingyi, Zhang Yifei, Zhong Yixin, Zhou Xianfeng, Zhou Zuyuan
LA5702 MLA STUDIO: Taking Landscape Leadership on Kota Harapan Indah (AY 19/20)
Tutor: Herbert Dreiseitl (NUS), Huei Lyn Liu (PUB)
Authors of Work: Mitali Kumar, Elsa Sim Rui Jia, Dai Yuke, Yang Xiaowen, Tang Mengjiao, Zhang Qinqin, Muhammad Rahmat Bin Khairudin, Isabel Villegas Molina, Chen Nan, Manasi Venkatesh Prabhudesai, Chan Wing Fai, Liu Ye, Hou Yanru, Vinamra Agarwal, Bao Lixia, Chen Beifei, Dong Yitong, Jiang Jiahang, Eingeel Jafar Khan, Li Ziheng, Toh Zi Gui, Yu Xi, Radha Waykool
LA5701 MLA STUDIO: Studio Country – Cultural Landscapes: Designing Places that Highlight Local Culture(s) in the Global City of Singapore (AY 19/20)
Tutor: Jessica Diehl (NUS), Melissa Yip (AECOM) ​
Authors of Work: Bao Lixia, Chan Wing Fai, Chen Beifei, Chen Nan, Dai Yuke, Dong Yitong, Eingeel Jafar Khan, Elsa Sim Rui Jia, Hou Yanru, Isabel Villegas Molina, Jiang Jiahang, Li Ziheng, Liu Ye, Manasi Venkatesh Prabhudesai, Rahmat Khairudin, Radha Ajit Waykool, Tang Mengjiao, Toh Zi Gui, Vinamra Agarwal, Yang Xiaowen, Yu Xi, Zhang Qinqin
LA4702 MLA STUDIO: LANDSCAPE OF NECESSITY_Water resilient Hebbal (AY19/20)
Tutor: Hwang Yun Hye (NUS)
Authors of Work: Mitali Kumar, Elsa Sim Rui Jia, Dai Yuke, Yang Xiaowen, Tang Mengjiao Zhang Qinqin, Muhammad Rahmat Bin Khairudin, Isabel Villegas Molina, Chen Nan Manasi Venkatesh Prabhudesai, Chan Wing Fai, Liu Ye, Hou Yanru
LA4702 MLA STUDIO: LANDSCAPE OF NECESSITY – Re-envisioning Productive Urban Landscapes, a Community-based Design Studio in Yelahanka, Bangalore
Tutor: Jessica Diehl (NUS)
Authors of Work: Vinamra Agarwal, Bao Lixia, Chen Beifei, Dong Yitong, Jiang Jiahang, Eingeel Jafar Khan, Li Ziheng, Toh Zi Gui, Shanika Tuinder, Yu Xi, Radha Waykool

LA4701 MLA STUDIO: Rewilding Singapore (AY19/20)

Tutor: Hwang Yun Hye (NUS), Kenya Endo (NUS)
Authors of Work: Bargotra Poornima, Cheng Jing, Chin Carissa, Dhuri Ruiee, Feng Zihan, Han Cong, Lim Wenfa, Liu Jiawei, Rakholiya Ekta, Shao Zhongran, Tanaka Mamiko, Wang Haobo, Xiao Xinyan, Zhang Bingqian, Zhang Bingyi, Zhang Yifei, Zhong Yixin, Zhou Xianfeng, Zhou Zuyuan

Tutor: Melissa Yip (AECOM), Kenya Endo (RSD) 
Authors of Work (Yu Hua): Bao Lixia, Chan Wing Fai, Chen Beifei, Dai Yuke, Eingeel Jafar Khan, Hou Yanru, Jiang Jiahang, Manasi Venkatesh Prabhudesai, Radha Ajit Waykool, Yang Xiaowen, Yu Xi, Muhammad Rahmat Bin Khairudin. Authors of Work (Teck Ghee): Chai Tianqi, Chen Nan, Dong Yitong, Isabel Villegas Molina, Li Ziheng, Liu Ye, Mitali Kumar, Tang Mengjiao, Vinamra Agarwal, Zhang Qinqin, Toh Zi Gui
LA5701 MLA STUDIO: CITY (AY18/19) 
Tutor: Yun Hye Hwang (NUS) 2018
Authors of Work: Fan Lei Helen, Gao Chen Chen, Kong Lingchang, Kuan Wai Tuck Victor, Lam Si Yun Swan, Liu Xiaolei, Wang Hanfeng, Wang Zhe, Xu Linxin, Xu Yuexin, Yao Haomu, Yong Keng-Whye Raymond
Operational and Functional Landscapes of Baoshan District
Tutor: Yun Hye Hwang (NUS) 
Authors of Work: Amanda Jennifer Chandra, Bai Zhuhui, Dai Junwei, Sun Hao Jen Ashley, Wu Yitong, Yan Ran
Productive Landscapes: A community-design studio in Bangalore, India.
Tutor: Jessica Diehl (NUS) 2018
Authors of work: Fan Lei Helen, Gao Chen Chen, Kong Lingchang, Kuan Wai Tuck Victor, Lam Si Yun Swan, Liu Xiaolei, Nur Azilla Bte Nazli, Wang Hanfeng, Wang Zhe, Xu Linxin, Xu Yuexin, Yao Haomu, Yong Keng-Whye Raymond
Re-imaging Sungei Pandan Landscape
Tutor: Yun Hye Hwang (NUS) 
Authors of Work: Fan Lei Helen, Gao Chen Chen, Kong Lingchang, Kuan Wai Tuck Victor, Lam Si Yun Swan Liu Xiaolei, Nur Azilla Bte Nazli, Wang Hanfeng, Wang Zhe, Xu Linxin, Xu Yuexin Yao Haomu, Yong Keng-Whye, Raymond
LA4702 MLA STUDIO: CITY  (AY16/17)
The Cultural Landscape of Whampoa
Tutor: Jessica Cook (Assistant Professor, NUS)
Authors of Work: Sun Hao Jen Ashley, Yan Ran, Dai Junwei, Amanda Jennifer Chandra, Bai Zhuhui, Wu Yitong, Biying Zhao Bella
Shezidao- From Contested Terrain to Wise Urbanism
Tutor: Liao Kuei-Hsien (Visiting Fellow, NUS)
Authors of Work: Chang Mei Fen Pearlyn, Chen Jumin, Chen Wei, Liu Yuehua, Pang Yu Rong, Pu Wenjun, Qian Xuanyu, Su Yuting, Tan Wenbin, Wang Yuqian, Zhang Qingqing
LA 5701: MLA STUDIO (AY16/17)
Intensification_Multiplicity of Landscape Layers.
Tutors: Leonard Ng, Ryan Shubin, Kenya Endo (Ramboll)
Authors of Work: Wang Yuqian, Pang Yu Rong, Su Yuting, Jacob Kuhn, Tan Wenbin, Pu Wenjun, Liu Yuehua, Chen Wei, Chen Jumin , Qian Xuanyu
LA 4701 MLA STUDIO: CITY (AY15/16)
Tagore Forest Landscape Scenarios: Landscape architectural approaches for a housing development in a tropical city
Tutor: Hwang Yun Hye (NUS)
Authors of Work: Sun Hao Jen Ashley, Yan Ran, Dai Junwei, Amanda Jennifer Chandra, Bai Zhuhui, Wu Yitong
Redevelopment of the Gangaur Ghat, Udaipur, India
Tutor: Herbert Dreiseitl (Ramboll) 
Authors of Work: Anushree Agawal, Chen Anzhou, Cheok Zhi Ning, Deepika Amonkar, Cherlyn Lim Li Xuan, Sun Yunzi, Tao Yibei, Poh Qiying, Tan Li Wen Ashley
LANDSCAPE OF NECESSITY – Landscape Architectural Approaches For An Urbanizing Agricultural Region
Tutors: Hwang Yun Hye and Feng Yuanqiu (NUS) 
Authors of Work: Chang Mei Fen Pearlyn, Chen Wei, Liu Yu, Pu Wenjun, Tan Wenbin, Wang Yuqian, Zhang Qingqing
THE BEACH – Infrastructure for Paradise
Tutor: Jörg Rekittke (NUS)
Authors of Work: Anushree Agawal, Chen Anzhou, Cheok Zhi Ning, Deepika Amonkar, Cherlyn Lim Li Xuan, Sun Yunzi, Tao Yibei, Poh Qiying, Tan Li Wen Ashley
LA 4701 MLA STUDIO: CITY (AY15/16)
FOREST ESTATE, TENGAH – Landscape Architectural Tactics for a High-Density Tropical City.
Tutors: Hwang Yun Hye and Feng Yuanqiu (NUS)
Authors of Work: Chang Mei Fen Pearlyn, Chen Wei, Pu Wenjun, Qian Xuanyu, Su Yuting, Tan Wenbin, Zhang Qingqing, Chia Ming Kuang, Wang ChaoChao, Wu Yu-Chen



Dissertation titles


  • Chen Beifei: Study on the Impacts of Various Forms of Exposure of Greenery on Stress Level and Productivity in an Indoor Environment
  • Eingeel Jafar Khan: Regulating and Socio-Cultural Ecosystem Services Integration in Alleys of Delhi.
  • Manasi Venkatesh Prabhudesai Analysis of Production, Harvest & Consumption in Community Gardens: Contribution of community gardens towards increasing the vegetable intake and food security of the HDB residents in Singapore.
  • Bao Lixia: An investigation of Community Gardens for Cultivating Social Capital in the Singapore HDB Estate.
  • Muhammad Rahmat Bin Khairudin: Privately-owned Publicly Accessible Spaces (POPAS) of Japan and Singapore: A Comparative Investigation on the Positive and Negative Impacts
  • Toh Zi Gui: How Does Local Cinema of the 2010’s Express Memoryscapes in Singapore?
  • Tang Mengjiao: The Potential of Public Cemeteries as Recreational Space in Singapore
  • Dong Yitong: Effect of Soundscape on Human Perception in Garden Spaces
  • Zhang Qinqin: The Revival of Ancient Chinese Methods on the Flood Management
  • Hou Yanru: Assessment of Contemplativeness of Landscape in Singapore Downtown Core
  • Yu Xi: Water Usage of Plants and Soil Moisture Profile of Non-irrigated Extension Roof System Under Tropical Climatic Conditions
  • Radha Ajit Waykool: Spatial Characteristics of the Sacred Groves in the Rapidly Growing City of Pune, India
  • Li Ziheng: Review of Digital Technology in Landscape Architecture
  • Mitali Kumar: Subconscious Landscapes: Impact of the Exposure to Campus Greens on the Mental Health and Well-being of University Students
  • Dai Yuke: The Analysis of Modern Urban Vicissitude of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal: The Environmental Paradox between Urban Improvement and Ecological Heritage Protection in Changzhou
  • Yang Xiaowen: Using Computational Methods to Analyze the Accessibility of Neighborhood Public Space for the Elderly in Lengkok Bahru, Singapore
  • Vinamra Agarwal: Linking Urban Farming (UF) and Health: A Pilot Study to Understand the physical and mental health of UF volunteers in Singapore.
  • Isabel Villegas Molina: Spontaneous Coastal Vegetation as Landscape Material in Singapore: A Documentation on the Natural and Non-natural Growing Vegetation along the Southern Part of Singapore and Uncovering its Applicability as Ecologically Resilient Landscape Features
  • Chen Nan: A Systematic Review of Landscape Projects on Flood Resilient Coastline Development
  • Elsa Sim Rui Jia: Hybrid Solutions for a Multi-functional Coastal Landscape in Singapore
  • Liu Ye: Assessment of the Urban Design Quality to Enhance the Walkability in Chinatown
  • Jiang Jiahang: The Effect of Street Tree Species and Planting Pattern on Controlling Incident Solar Exposure to Pedestrians
  • Chan Wing Fai: Investigating Participatory Design and Community Attachment: A Case Study of Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong.



  • Fan Lei: Integration of Ecosystem Services in Street Redevelopment of Informal Settlements.
  • Gao Chenchen: Temperature and Thermal Comfort Effects of Street Greenery in Singapore.
  • Kong Lingchang: Resource Flow Analysis of Rural Landslide Restoration Projects: A Case of Yame City, Fukuoko Prefecture, Japan.
  • Kuan Wai Tuck Victor: Public Perception on Nature in the Digital Community of Singapore.
  • Lam Si Yun Swan: Potentials for the Use of Therapeutic Landscapes in Palliative Care: A Case of Healthcare Providers in Hong Kong.
  • Liu Xiaolei: Does the Increased Focus on Landscapes in HDB Estates Lead to Higher Level of Ecosystem Services?
  • Wang Hanfeng: The Importance of Smellscape in Defining the Sense of Place.
  • Wang Zhe: The Intention of Rural and Urban Populations to Adopt an Agritourism Model as Part of Yame-shi Disaster Recovery.
  • Xu Linxin: A Research of UGS Spatial Characteristics towards Resilient Stormwater Management: A Case Study of Fuzhou Downtown Area.
  • Yao Haomu: Effects of Planted Forest on Shallow Landslides: Modelling Landslide Hazard through GIS-based Logistic Regression in 2017 Northern Kyushu Flood, Japan.
  • Yong Keng-Whye, Raymond: Understanding the Relationship between Migrant Workers and Open Green Spaces: A Study of the Importance and Usage of Green Open Spaces by Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in Little India, Lembu Open Space – “Minimart,” Singapore.



  • Amanda Jennifer Chandra: Urban Agriculture, Food Security, and Development Policies in Jakarta: A Case Study of Farming Communities at Kalideres – Cengkareng District, West Jakarta.
  • Bai Zhuhui: Richer Gets More Greenery? A Study of Bayannur City.
  • Dai Junwei: Assessing the Authentic Representation of the Chinese Garden Abroad: Case Studies of Two Overseas Chinese Gardens in USA.
  • Sun Hao Jen Ashley: Classifying NUS Campus Lawns Based on Floristic Potential on Rewilded Lawns.
  • Wu Yitong: Spatial Pattern Analysis of Secondary Forest in Singapore.
  • Yan Ran: Assessing the Visibility of Urban Greenery.



  • Chang Mei Fen: Development of Considerations for Edge Protection: A Case Study of the Central Catchment Reserve.
  • Chen Jumin: An Exploration of Village-in-City in China: A Case Study of Qilong Village.
  • Chen Wei: Assessment of Spatial Changes of Rural Settlements Arising from Airport Development.
  • Liu Yuehua: A Framework to Guide the Use of Space Underneath Singapore’s Elevated Transport Infrastructure.
  • Pang Yu Rong: The Potential of Canal Naturalization in Singapore.
  • Pu Wenjun: Cultural Ecosystem Services of Mangroves in Singapore.
  • Qian Xuanyu: Community-Based Participatory Planning and Community Attachment in Singapore – “Hello Neighbour” Project in Tampines Central.
  • Su Yuting: Community-Based Ecotourism for Strategic Planning and Conservation of Cultural Identity in Chinese Historical Villages.
  • Tan Wenbin: Uncovering the Design Potential of Public Space to Facilitate Community Social Interaction in Singapore.
  • Wang Yuqian: Public Perception of a Nature Park in Singapore.
  • Zhang Qingqing: Changes of Coastal Landscape in Singapore.



  • Anushree Agarwal: Public Attitude and Preference Towards Landscapes in Singapore.
  • Chen Anzhuo: Greenroof Plant Selection for Urban Cooling and Drought Tolerance.
  • Cheok Zhi Ning: The Ability and Efficiency of Public Parks in Engaging Social Activities at Night.
  • Cherlyn Lim Li Xuan: Assessment of Cyclability in Tampines Town.
  • Deepika Nihar Amonkar: The Interrelationship Between Social Inequity and Inequity of Green Space Distribution in Mumbai.
  • Poh Qiying: Sustaining Community Gardens in HDB Flats from the Management Perspective
  • Sun Yunzi: Spatial and Structure of Green Space Distribution in New Developing Residential District and their Relationship to Spatial Equity.
  • Tan Li Wen, Ashley: An Assessment of Socio-ecological Factors that Affect the Formation of Novel Coral Ecosystems in Singapore.
  • Tao Yibei: The Effects of Vegetation in Mitigating Urban Land Surface Temperature in Singapore



  • Feng Yuanqiu: The Socio-Cultural Value of Wild Growth – Uncovering the Design Potential of Secondary Forests in Singapore.
  • Low Peiqi: Design of the Singapore Botanic Gardens 1859-2015 – Western Model and Local Adaptations.
  • Kow Xiao Jun: Effectiveness of Behavioural Design in Constructing Communal Landscapes.
  • Urawan Songmunstaporn Ling: The Evolution of Landscape Design in Bangkok Old Town – Thai Adaptation of Western Models Since the 1950s.
  • Goh Weixiang: Potential of Domestic Gardening in Public Housing to Contribute to Biodiversity Conservation in Singapore.
  • Zhang Shangyu: A Study of Urban Landscapes – Preference for Landscape Types in Restoring Mental Well-being.
  • Xu Haohui: Comparative Assessment of Spatial Structure of Urban Green Spaces Distribution and Urban Park Accessibility in Cities.
  • Hu Zhijie: The Spatial and Temporal Change of Green Space in Response to the Urbanization Process in Singapore Over the Last Two Decades.
  • Wan Jing: The Effects of Thermal Comfort and Shading Level on Different Park-Based Activities in Singapore Community Park.
  • Xu Yan: Design of Chinese Cemeteries in China and Singapore and their Transformation as Public Parks.
  • Xu Lanjun: Factors to Enhance Biodiversity of Green Walls in a Tropical City.



  • Atreyee Sandilya: Spatial Distribution of Urban Green Spaces in Cities and its Role in the Ecology of Cities – Case of Delhi.
  • Chen Jiahui: Open Space and Density: How Open Spaces and Its Impact on the Visual Perception of High Density Urban Developments in Singapore.
  • Cheong Wan Ying: Opportunities for Enhancing Singapore Downtown Core’s Walking Experience through Urban Green Spaces.
  • Lee Xiao Ling Lynn: An Investigation of the Development of Ecological Capacity on Reclaimed Land in Singapore – Using Comparative Case studies of Marina Bay (South), Coney Island and Pulau Semakau.
  • Li Jinmu: An Assessment of the Potential of Spaces Underneath Flyovers and Nearby Traffic Islands to Deliver Urban Ecosystem Services in Singapore.
  • Mayura Patil: Planting Strategies for Urban Parks in Singapore to Increase Urban Biodiversity.



  • Ronnie Mak: Green Spaces in Public Housing in Singapore – A Precinct Level Documentation of Their Evolution Between an Old and New Housing Estate.
  • Pham Le Anh: Green Walls in Singapore – An Evaluation and Selection of Plants that are Suitable for Outdoor Green Walls and Supporting Biodiversity.
  • Heng Juit Lian: Harnessing Reclaimed and Recycled Materials in Singapore’s Landscape Architecture.
  • Fu Maoying: Everyday Landscape in Transitional Urban Space – Integrating Nature and Architecture as a Singular Seamless Landscape.
  • Anna Yap Lai Fong: River Ecosystem Services and Urban Developments – Understanding the Changes in the Ecosystem Services of Klang River in relation to the Development of the City of Kuala Lumpur.
  • Wong Ruen Qing: Ideas of Nature in Cinema: An Investigation of the Theme of “Man and Nature” in Godfrey Reggio’s Films KOYAANISQATSI (1982) AND POWAQQATSI (1988) in Relation to the Notions of Nature.
  • Yeo Jia Hao: A Comparative Research Inquiry into the Divergent Notions of Nature and Landscape Between Taoism and Landscape Urbanism.
  • Shamy Vivek Darne: Greenroofs as Local Habitats in Singapore.
  • Zhang Rong: A study of Urban Green Spaces in Singapore’s Residential Towns.



  • Muhammad Yazid Bin Ninsalam: Reverse Engineered Landscapes – Integration of Digital Visualization Processes within Analogue Workflows in Landscape Design.
  • Guo Yunjia Lehana: Politics, Public Participation and Public Space – An Analysis on the Public Participation Process in the Design of the Rail Corridor in Singapore.
  • Nur Syuhada Bte Limat: The Aesthetic Value of Spontaneous Vegetation and its Conservation as a Possible Strategy for a Landscape Corridor Design in the KTM Track.
  • Hou Suya: A Framework for Identification and Evaluation of Culture Landscape – Case Study of Singapore KTM Land.
  • Nur Syafiqah Bte Nahadi: Is the Public’s Perception of Nature an Important Factor in the Design of the Singapore Trail?
  • Teo Hui Yi Rachel: Assessment of KMT as an Ecological Corridor in Singapore.
  • Sng En Ai Rebecca: The Linear Park and Urban Liveability – A Study of Singapore’s KTM Railway Land.
  • Gauri Bharihoke: Study on Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTM) Railway for Everyday Cycling.
  • Neha Mehta: Visual Landscape Quality Assessment of The Singapore Trail
  • Lin Shengwei Ervine: The Intersection of Aesthetics, Ecology and Economy in the Planning of Clementi Woodlands along The Green Corridor.
  • Soh Han Jie: Environmental Education in Parks: Influence of Naturalness on User Experience in Singapore.