Joseph LIM (Dr)
Associate Professor
Dr Joseph Lim has a special interest in prototypical structures addressing emergent spatial and environmental need. His projects have won national and international awards including an Honorable Mention for Lee Treehouse at the Kenneth F. Brown Asia Pacific Culture and Architecture Design Award in 2003; and a Merit Win for Dragon Bridge in URA Southern Ridges Bridge International Design Competition in 2004. He was appointed architect for the post-Tsunami rebuilding efforts and his self-sufficient housing proposal won an Honorable Mention at the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia in 2005 Joseph is also the author of Bio-structural Analogues in Architecture and Eccentric Structures in Architecture, and both publications have been translated in Korean and Chinese languages. His latest publication, Skybridge I addresses land intensification in industrial architecture with a forthcoming design research investigation on Greater One North. Joseph recently completed a Kinetic Sun Screen prototype capable of generating multiple programmed formations from a system with eight degrees of movement.