Associate Professor (Educator Track)

Department of Architecture, College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore, 4 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117566.

5616 3520

Dr Ruzica Bozovic Stamenovic is Associate Professor and Leader of Urbanism Research Cluster at the Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore. Her research interest is in human ecology, health-restoring design processes, and design for wellness in contemporary urban settings and mega-mature societies. She is Faculty Fellow of The Centre for Health Systems and Design, Texas A&M University, Executive Board Member of the UIA Public Health Group and GUPHA (Global University Programs in Healthcare Architecture). She lectured worldwide pointing to the contextual and cultural interpretations of healthful architecture. She authored two books, numerous chapters and papers on topics related to healthcare design. As practicing architect and cofounder of RD Studio, she won major national architectural prizes in the former Yugoslavia and many national and international architectural competition awards. In 2014 she won the Berkeley Prize Teaching Fellowship aimed at supporting teaching of social art in architecture. She participated in numerous exhibitions including “The Biennale of Venice”, Italy (Aldo Rossi selection in 1985 and NEXT-National selection in 2002).