Assistant Professor (Presidential Young Professor)

Department of Architecture, College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore, 4 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117566


Filip Biljecki received his PhD (cum laude) in 3D GIS and MSc in Geomatics from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.
His principal research interests are 3D city models and geographic information science (GIS).

Dr Biljecki was awarded the prestigious Young Researcher Award in GIScience by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the award for the best doctoral research in GIS in Europe by the European Spatial Data Research organisation. He established the NUS Urban Analytics Lab (, a geospatial research group focusing at the intersection of urban analytics, geographic data science, and 3D city modelling.

For the full list of publications please visit his personal website (

Video feature about the Urban Analytics Lab at the National University of Singapore.