Jeffrey HO

Adjunct Associate Professor

Department of Architecture, College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore, 4 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117566.

9664 9621

Jeffrey Ho - an architect, urban planner, and educator with over 40 years of experience − is widely regarded for his award-winning urban planning projects that have spread over 90 cities across 30 countries.

Currently, he is an independent consultant, NUS Adjunct Associate Professor, CLC advisor, and URA Academy Senior Fellow. He researches and writes with an Asian perspective on emerging urbanism and housing trend. He also participates in expert panels for various programs of public and private organizations.

Jeffrey’s passion is to practice his planning philosophy – branded as “Fusion of Arts and Geometry” − in crafting great masterplans for cities to achieve functionality, clarity, and imageability. He does this by utilizing his artistic sense of scale, geometry, and patterning in contextualizing ideas to formulate urban plans. The foundation of his brand has been grounded on the principles of the Singapore Planning Ethos and legacy in Nation Building that plans must be pragmatic, long-term, implementable, and sustainable.

Internationally, his masterplans of large-scale townships have been recognized as first-mover projects. Notable examples are China Tianjin Eco-City and Suzhou Industrial Park. His masterplans have also inspired developing countries to move away from their past ad-hoc and piecemeal planning into rethinking and repackaging themselves. Correspondingly, his masterplans have also become valuable case studies and were documented in his book “Red-Dotting the World”.

Locally, he contributed to the early development of the Singapore Concept Plan and the first Regional Center masterplan, HDB’s first-generation new town model, and the Tampines New Town masterplan that won the 1992 World Habitat Award. Also, many of his public housing, industrial, and institution designs have become templates for local architects.

Jeffrey’s accomplishments have been recognized by the Design Singapore Council. He received two PUSH Awards for his outstanding planning work, and his relentless efforts to push design excellence beyond Singapore’s boundaries.