Adjunct Associate Professor

Department of Architecture, College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore, 4 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117566.


ZHANG Ye is Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore. He holds a PhD in Architecture from the University of Cambridge, UK. Ye was a fellow of Cambridge Overseas Trust from 2008 to 2011, and also a visiting academic at The Bartlett School of Planning, University College London in 2015. Now he serves as the Director General of International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), an international network of universities and research institutes with the task to strengthen the collaboration in the field of Urbanism.

Ye’s principal research interest resides in synergising different methods for understanding and analysing the built form. His current research project focuses on the relation between emerging sharing practices in the city and transformation of urban form. His research has received funding from United Kingdom, USA, Switzerland, Hong Kong SAR, China and Singapore. Ye has published widely in the field of urban form and urban design. His recent books include Sharing by Design (2020, co-authored with Chan, J.K.H) and Conserving and Managing Historical Urban Landscape: An Integrated Morphological Approach (forthcoming, co-authored with Li, X.), both by Springer Nature.

A recipient of both the University and Faculty Teaching Excellence Honour Rolls, Ye has lectured and served as studio critic in University of Cambridge, University College London, Tsinghua University, Meiji University, Curtin University, etc. Ye has collaborated with industry and created international platforms for experimental design research for high-density Asian cities, such as the NUS-Tsinghua Design Research Initiative. His design research has been exhibited broadly in many events including the Venice Architecture Biennale and UIA World Architects Congress.


Sponsored by Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation (Hong Kong), NUS-Tsinghua Design Research Initiative for Sharing Cities (NT-DRISC) was jointly initiated by the Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore and the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, and in partnership with DP Architects. The aim is to bring together scholars and students from the two top Asian architecture schools as well as experts and professionals having the same interests, exploring emerging space sharing practices and new dedicated typologies of shared spaces in the city. With multi-disciplinary urban research expertise and excellence in design, we investigate on the spatial attributes of sharing practices and the economics, institutions, governance, and ethics of space sharing; develop insights on the conditions that the built environment of the city imposes on sharing practices and the transformation of urban spaces that sharing activities enable; and develop innovative design solutions that can encourage and promote meaningful sharing activities.