The Architecture Society

The Architecture Society (TAS) is the official student body representing the interests of NUS Architecture students. Registered in Singapore since 12 Jan 1980, it is recognized by the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA), the Board of Architects and the National University of Singapore. It is a non-profit student-run organization.

Our Mission:

  • To promote architectural education and practice relevant to the needs of society.
  • To promote and safeguard the interests of students of Architecture at the National University of Singapore (NUS).
  • To foster corporate life among students of Architecture at NUS without regard to race, religion or politics.
  • To establish a better dialogue with local, regional and international Architectural institutions.

TAS serves students through the various channels:

Education: To provide resources and to enhance student education
Professional Engagement: To form and deepen networks between students and the industry
Exhibition: To showcase student works in the public sphere
Student Welfare: To nurture a lively student body and support student welfare

As the main point of contact between the student body and the school administration, we facilitate students’ feedback, as well as communication between the students and the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA). This is to establish a better dialogue with local, regional and international architectural institutions. TAS also facilitates life and student welfare through the organisation of various events as well as exhibitions and guest lectures.