
The Department of Architecture (DoA) at the National University of Singapore is where creative global designers and critical thinkers are nurtured for the built environment, to shape Asia’s future and the world. Located within the nexus between East and West, Singapore is a dense contemporary city thriving with abundant design opportunities, being connected regionally in Asia and internationally around the world.

Our international faculty brings forward a broad and diverse set of skills and ideas within the discipline of architecture and built environment, enabling our students to think critically and position within a wide spectrum of issues that impact our cities today. With design learning focused on climate and sustainability issues, our graduates are equipped with creative ideas and skills to morph our built environment for a better world socially and environmentally.

Study in an exemplary campus. Our net-zero energy buildings SDE1 and SDE4 are a prime display of how ideas of sustainability can be designed and built, while not compromising on other values in architecture such as experience, comfort and aesthetics. While embarking on design studios or other learning experiences, be inspired within the award winning campus architecture, and design solutions to tackle the problems that contemporary society faces today.

Learn more about our programs below.
Unsure which program is the most appropriate for you? Contact us here.


CDE Architecture 2022.

Why choose NUS Architecture. Video: Open Narrative.

From a Student’s Perspective . Video: Open Narrative.

Memories of Architecture Education in NUS. Video: Open Narrative.

Asking a Beautiful Question by A/P Cheah Kok Ming. Video: Open Narrative.

Final Reviews, April AY18/19. Video: Lim Jing Jie.

Final Reviews, November AY19/20. Video: Ong Chan Hao.

Click here to watch other videos by Department of Architecture