Centre for Water Research (CWR) researchers join their forces with U of T researchers for microplastics pollution detection and control in water and wastewater

Two NUS-U of T joint projects were led by Centre for Water Research (CWR) Principle Investigators Prof. Ng How Yong and Prof. Hu Jiangyong. The research projects aim to achieve the overall objective of developing measurement and removal strategies for microplastics pollution control in water environment. The project on “Microplastics-Water and Wastewater” aims to understand the fate and behaviour of microplastics in wastewater treatment plants. The project on “Transformation of microplastics as emerging contaminant in water” targets to decompose microplastics in water through advanced oxidation processes.  Dr Bae Sun Woo is the Co-PI for both projects and his work is expected to have a comprehensive assessment of the toxicity of microplastics and their by-products during the decomposition process. The two projects are funded by NUS with a duration of 3 years and in collaboration with Prof. Bob Andrews and Prof. Susan Andrews from University of Toronto.


Microplastics in water environment and its impact assessment using molecular biological tools

A workshop for the NUS-U of T collaboration on Sustainable Urban Water, Waste and Energy was organized on 15-16 July online. Both Deans, Prof. Aaron Voon-Yew Thean and Prof. Chris Yip gave welcome speeches at the beginning of the workshop. Around 50 researchers from both universities participated in the two-day workshop, shared and discussed actively on various pressing environmental issues on microplastics, waste to energy, decarbonization, CO2 reduction and so on.

The researchers from both universities shared their research activities on microplastics pollution on 15 July. The sharing started with a review on current research status on microplastics by Prof. Ng How Yong’s research group. Prof. Bob Andrews then introduced various microplastics measurement methods developed by U of T. Dr Bae Sung Woo’s research group demonstrated interesting research on ecotoxicity of microplastics to zebrafish using multi-omics. Prof. Hu Jiangyong’s research group presented the findings on the removal potential of microplastics by ozonation, one of advanced oxidation processes in water and wastewater treatment. Prof. Susan Andrews’s research group addressed on the interaction between microplastics and micropollutants in water. The presentations were followed by active discussion and future directions were explored.

For more details, please contact:
Prof Hu Jiangyong
Email: ceehujy@nus.edu.sg