29 May 2018

WEF-EESS-CWR Guest Talk and Sharing Session

On 29th May 2018, a sharing session was held in NUS to facilitate the networking of young professionals (YPs) in Environmental Engineering from Center for Water Research (CWR) at NUS, Environmental Engineering Society of Singapore (EESS), and Water Environmental Federation (WEF). YPs from WEF and EESS were invited to share their experiences in the environmental engineering-related sectors and YP activities.

Professor Hu Jiangyong, Director of CWR, kick-started the session by delivering the opening speech. Following her, Dr. Patrick Dube, the Technical Program Manager in the WEF’s Water Science and Engineering Centre, shared about WEF’s ongoing and upcoming events. Next, Dr. Guo Huiling, Chair of Water and Wastewater Section, EESS was welcomed to deliver her speech. After that, Ms Diana Prado, the Coordinator of WEF, and Mr. Xu Dong, Marketing and Membership Coordinator of EESS, talked about EESS YPs’ activities respectively.

The sharing session shows how organizations like WEF, CWR and EESS inspire and engage the young professionals in water related research and practice. YPs from different organizations also actively discuss and share about their ideas and opinions on environmental engineering.

The 3rd International Forum on Asian Water Environment Technology (IFAWET) was held from 2 to 3 March 2018 in Singapore. It was co-organized by Centre for Water Research (CWR), National University of Singapore (NUS) and Research Center for Water Environment Technology (RECWET), the University of Tokyo. On the first day of the conference, 16 oral presentations were delivered in 4 technical sessions, which addressed physicochemical technologies, emerging microbial risks, micropollutants matters, and the future of membrane technology in water/wastewater treatment. 24 technical posters were presented, and 7 poster awards for best poster presentation were given. Technical tours to Changi Water Reclamation Plant (Changi WRP) and NEWater Visitor Centre (NVC) were organized on the second day of the conference. It provided a good opportunity for participants to learn about the reclamation processes for high-grade reclaimed water. The conference ended fruitfully, scientists and practitioners discussed issues ranging from cutting edge to practical levels on water environment technologies in Asia context.

Welcome speech given by Prof. Hu Jiangyong
Opening remarks given by Prof. Furumai Hiroaki
Technical session

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