9 June 2023

IES gift to boost construction project management research

The presentation of the Wong Yui Cheong Research in Construction Project Management Scholarship to National University of Singapore (NUS) for the establishment of the YC Wong-IES Research in Construction Project Management Fund, gifted by Er. Wong Yui Cheong (pictured in front). [Photo credit: MND]The presentation of the Wong Yui Cheong Research in Construction Project Management Scholarship to National University of Singapore (NUS) for the establishment of the YC Wong-IES Research in Construction Project Management Fund, gifted by Er. Wong Yui Cheong (pictured in front). [Photo credit: MND]

The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) has gifted $300,000 to the NUS College of Design and Engineering to fund advanced research in construction project management, in particular in the areas of safety, quality and sustainability.

The formal presentation of the gift took place on May 25 at the annual Charles Rudd Distinguished Public Lectures, co-organised by IES, Singapore Polytechnic (SP), and the World Federation of Engineering Organisations and held at the SP Convention Centre.

The gift will be used to establish the YC Wong‐IES Research in Construction Project Management Fund.

Minister for National Development & Minister-in-charge of Social Services Integration Desmond Lee, guest of honour at the event, witnessed the presentation of the gift to NUS, which was made possible by the donation of $1 million from Engineer Wong Yui Cheong, also known as Er. YC Wong.

Er. Chong Kee Sen, IES Emeritus President and Chairman of the Fund, said: “With its well-established, reputable project management programmes, NUS is an exceptional partner for IES to advance towards Er YC Wong’s vision for the scholarship. This collaboration will boost standards of project management to accelerate the transformation of our built environment towards greater safety, quality and sustainability.”

Professor Richard Liew, Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at CDE, received the gift cheque from the IES on behalf of NUS.

Speaking at the event, he said: “In a global environment which has become increasingly more complex, there is a clear need for professionals who can apply interdisciplinary know-how and skill sets. CDE’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering will work closely with engineering professionals, project managers in the built environment, and forward-thinking partners such as IES to help catalyse the sector’s continued growth to meet future challenges.”

Speaking in his opening address to the lectures, Mr Dalson Chung, President of IES, thanked Er Wong for his “generosity, commitment and passion to advance research in construction project management for the benefit of Singapore’s built environment.”

He added: “IES looks forward to working with NUS to enhance project management standards to expedite the advancement of our built environment towards enhanced safety, quality, and sustainability.”

Photo at top features (from left to right): Mr Lester Wong (Son of Er. Wong Yui Cheong); Dr Victor Sim, IES Council Member; Prof Yeoh Lean Weng, IES Emeritus President; Er. Chong Kee Sen,  IES Council Member; Minister for National Development Mr Desmond Lee; IES President Mr Dalson Chung; Prof Richard Liew (Head, NUS Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering); Assoc Prof Qian Xudong (NUS Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering); and Dr Paul Ong (NUS Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering). Front: Er. Wong Yui Cheong.

Original article from CDE News.

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