16 February 2024

Lee Seng Lip Award 2023 – Zhang Fengling

Lee Seng Lip Medal and Prize

The Lee Seng Lip Medal and Prize is awarded to a graduating or recently graduated student with a PhD in Civil Engineering or a PhD in Environmental Engineering for his/her excellent PhD research in the field of civil and/or environmental engineering. This is the top award the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering gives to a deserving graduating or recently graduated PhD student who has demonstrated exceptional promise in research and whose research has the potential to yield an impact on national development, economy, human advancement and society.

Citation for the awards:

Dr Zhang Fengling’s PhD research focused on the resistance of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) against high-velocity projectile impact. He developed a non-destructive hardness test to estimate the resistance of cementitious materials against projectile penetration and will likely be adopted by DSTA. DSTA has proposed extending the test for 3D printed materials.  He also provided systematic calibration of the constitutive laws for UHPC in the K&C model valid, for a wide range of loading conditions in LS-DYNA.  This is a vast improvement over the ad-hoc calibrations commonly done currently.

From his PhD work, Dr Zhang has published 5 journal papers in the top journals of mechanics and materials which were well cited, including a paper with FWCI of 4.29. It is highly commendable that as a young researcher, he was an Invited speaker in 2 International Conferences, and is already actively participating in several international societies and activities.

Dr Zhang is currently an Associate Professor position at Shandong University. Within a year at Shandong, he attracted more than CNY 2,500,000 [S$0.5 million] in research funding and was awarded the Taishan Scholar (top 1/10000).

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