Mr Tan Sim Chuan – Engineering Alumni Service Honours Recipient

Tan Sim Chuan
Award recipient Mr Tan Sim Chuan (left) with Prof Victor Shim, Vice Dean (External Relations).

Mr Tan Sim Chuan

Civil Engineering, Class of 2009

Quote from recipient: “Being involved in alumni activities allowed me to have the chance to connect back with university where one can have access to energetic and fresh ideas of the university community. To also add, serving the EAS committee provided me a platform to leverage on the strength as an alumni community where active and engaged members can do more together under our EAS motto of “Engineers help Engineers” to benefit our engineering community as a whole.”

Mr Tan Sim Chuan was a Class Ambassador of the NUS Engineering Faculty when he graduated. Class Ambassadors are alumni leaders who help to nurture close ties between their respective cohorts and the faculty and the University. After graduation, he continued to give of his time and energy voluntarily, to promote alumni activities and interactions. Although he works full-time for the Land Transport Authority, Sim Chuan manages to find time to strategize, organize and manage alumni activities as member of the Executive Committee of the Engineering Alumni Singapore (EAS). He was elected Honorary Secretary of the EAS in 2010, Vice President in 2011 and President in 2013, Sim Chuan has been instrumental in encouraging NUS Engineering graduates to join EAS, and also to commit themselves to running it. He also works closely with the NUS Office of Alumni Relations and the Engineering Faculty to conduct joint activities with the EAS.

Mr Tan, with his spirit of volunteerism and commitment, is a role model to all NUS Engineering alumni. In recognition of his dedication and service to his alma mater, the Faculty is proud to present Mr Tan Sim Chuan with the Engineering Alumni Service Honours. c