Mr Zhao Yige – Class of Masters in Environmental Engineering, 2018


Mr Zhao Yige

Project Engineer, Water Services, TUV SUD PSB

Class of Masters in Environmental Engineering, 2018

What made you choose the course in NUS over other courses?

I graduated from BSc Environmental Engineering at Zhejiang University, China. Although many of my classmates and friends decided to venture into other industries, I still hold onto my original enthusiasm to contribute a little bit to the earth's environment. Since my interest and passion are in environmental engineering, I decided to pursue my MSc with NUS, one of the top universities (top in environmental engineering also) in the world. Every aspect of NUS attracted me.

What do you like most about the course and NUS etc?

The convenience of the facilities and the kindness of the staff in NUS is something that I appreciate most in NUS, where the cultural humanity and advanced technologies are perfectly combined. That is what a top historical modern university is.

How has the course helped you in your everyday/work life?

I am working in the Environmental Industry, where I am applying every theory and techniques that were taught to me. The course covers all parts (water, gas, soil, solid waste, microbial) related to environmental engineering, from the general concepts on the surface to the theoretic mathematical-statistical model deep inside. I believe everyone could just choose the part he/she is interested in and goes for it.

What would you like to share with the incoming and current MSc students?

Maximize and enjoy your days at university. Try to balance your study and rest. You may never get the chance again to live the University life again. When you look back at your NUS life one day, you shall smile and feel it was an incomparable honour to be a student of NUS.