Internship & Career Advisory Resources

For Postgraduate students, please refer to the link:


For Undergraduate students

Mr Shuan Kang                     Ms Sapphire Ong

Mr Shaun Kang
( and Ms Sapphire Ong ( are your dedicated Career Advisors from the Centre for Future-ready Graduates (CFG) for Civil and Environmental Engineering students. Please don’t hesitate to contact them for support in your career journey. They are here for you. Schedule a personal career consultation with them today.

You may want to also visit some of the links below

CaseCoach (The world’s #1 case interview preparation platform that provides everything you need to prepare for case study interviews):

VMock Smart Resume and Interview Platform (VMock will score your resume, and provide targeted feedback to make it recruiter-ready):

Digital Career Resources on the CFG website:

NUS TalentConnect Portal [Internship and job portal for NUS students]:

CFG Event Calendar on the CFG website:

conNectUS (Exclusive professional networking platform for NUS community – both students and alumni!):

You may also want to hear why internship is important from our students