Lim Mong Hoo Profile Picture

Lim Mong Hoo

Adjunct Associate Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Dr Lim Mong Hoo is the Chief Water Quality Specialist and Senior Water Quality Consultant of PUB, Singapore’s national water agency. He plays an important role in putting in place an integrated water quality management regime in Singapore which includes establishing water quality goals, setting and monitoring of water quality controls at critical process points in all the water systems from source to tap to ensure water safety. He has more than 30 years of experience in water supply engineering, which includes raw water systems (waterways, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and seawater), water treatment, water distribution, water quality evaluation, standards, and regulations. His expertise also extends to planning, development and commissioning of water treatment plants, and conducting applied water research. His research interests focus on waterways, reservoirs and seawater quality, water treatment, water reuse, water quality analysis and monitoring technologies, and water safety.