History and Milestone

The NUS Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) has grown tremendously within the Faculty of Engineering since its inception in 1955, and continues to evolve with its unique strength to cater to the needs of all stakeholders including students, alumni, industry partners and academic collaborators.

The Department of Civil Engineering (CE) and the Division of Environmental Science and Engineering (ESE) were merged to form the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) in November 2010. This consolidation of educational and research programmes has enhanced the tenure-track faculty count in CEE to more than 50 and augmented NUS’ ability to offer top-quality educational programmes of choice to students and to pursue interdisciplinary research in areas of strategic importance to Singapore and beyond. Since the merger, CEE Department is experiencing a spurt of growth with expertise in diverse areas including Environmental, Geotechnical, Materials, Structural, Transportation and Water Resource Engineering, as well as, in construction and offshore engineering. CEE now finds itself in advantageous position to facilitate interdisciplinary approaches to tackle new challenges facing the growth of cities due to rapid urbanisation, such as our changing population profile, water resources management, rising energy costs, resource constraints, air pollution, climate change, underground space creation and sustainability.

CEE has an enrolment of more than 500 students pursuing its Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) degree and more than 150 students under its Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental) programme. To cater to the needs of working professionals, we launched a BTech (Civil) programme in August 2017, which is administered by the School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE). We offer 6 Master of Science programmes with total enrolment of about 400 students in the areas of Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Offshore Technology, Transportation Systems & management, Environmental Engineering, Hydraulic engineering and Water Resources Management. In addition, there about 150 students pursuing research towards the degree either in Master of Engineering or Doctor of Philosophy. The department also offers a number of non-degree programmes to facilitate working professional who are keen to update their knowledge in various areas in civil and environmental engineering.

Academic staff in CEE Department pursue a spectrum of research and mostly organized under 7 research centres, namely

  • Centre for Offshore Research and Engineering (CORE)
  • Centre for Protective Technology (CPT)
  • Centre for Advanced Materials and Structures (CAMS)
  • Centre for Soft Ground Engineering (CSGE)
  • Centre for Transportation Research (CTR)
  • Centre for Hazards Research (CHR)
  • Centre for Water Research (CWR)

Over the last four years, CEE has garnered the total research funding close to $77 million from public and private sector agencies. CEE faculty members are also engaged in multidisciplinary collaborative research with universities and national research institutes, including NUS Environmental Research Institute (NERI), Keppel-NUS Corporate Laboratory, Sembcorp-NUS Corporate Laboratory, NUS-LTA Transportation Centre, the Tropical Marine Science Institute (TMSI), the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), the Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE) and beyond. The department is particularly renowned for its research in a number of areas such as softground engineering, water reclamation and coastal and offshore engineering.