Commencement Speech 2024

Commencement Guest Speaker:

Mr Lee Ang Seng

Speech by Mr Lee Ang Seng, Managing Director for Singapore and Myanmar, BECA, and President of Singapore Green Building Council at the Design and Engineering Commencement 2024 Ceremony (C25) for Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduation on Friday, 19 July 2023 at 10.00am.


Professor Bernard Tan, Senior Vice Provost (Undergraduate Education), Associate Professor Martin Buist, Deputy Dean, College of Design and Engineering, Associate Professor Pang Sze Dai, Deputy Head (Undergraduate, Student Life and BTech), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,

Distinguished Guests, Graduates, Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning.


  1. It is indeed an honour to be here today to address the class of 2024 at NUS's College of Design and Engineering.
  2. Today marks an important milestone in all your lives. My heartiest congratulations to each and every one of you for your years of dedication, hard work and perseverance. Today, we celebrate this significant milestone and honour your achievements.

Transition After Graduation

  1. In the transition from academic life to the professional world, you will soon notice that the expectations placed upon you will shift dramatically. Within the corporate environment, success is not only measured by your technical expertise but also by your ability to adapt, collaborate, and innovate. You will need to not only solve problems but also anticipate them, think critically, and communicate effectively.
  1. The road ahead is filled with opportunities, but it will also present its fair share of challenges. You will encounter obstacles that test your knowledge, your skills, and your resolve. In those moments, remember why you chose this path. Remember the passion that drove you to become an engineer, the desire to create, to innovate, and to make a difference. Let that passion guide you through the challenges and fuel your journey forward.
  1. There will be times when you look back and feel grateful for the knowledge and skills you've gained at NUS. It is certain that what you’ve gained during your time here will be the stepping stone for the seasons ahead.

Interdisciplinary Skills

  1. Since its establishment in 2022, the College of Design and Engineering has emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary studies to ensure all of you are future-ready, critical thinkers. The core interdisciplinary modules in your syllabus were designed to balance imparting knowledge from your major with providing insights from career-related courses.
  1. As you step into the professional world, one of the crucial realisations you may have as an engineer is the importance of interdisciplinary skills and perspectives. The landscape of engineering is constantly evolving, and the most successful engineers are those who can adapt and collaborate across various disciplines. Whether it’s working with architects, urban planners, environmental designers, or even economists, your ability to integrate diverse viewpoints will not only enhance your employability but also amplify your impact.
  1. Additionally, the challenges encountered in the workforce are growing in complexity. Oftentimes, solutions require a multidimensional approach. This is where you – a graduate of the College of Design and Engineering, can step in and facilitate meaningful and productive conversations. You have the sensitivity to navigate demanding situations and are more than capable to see things from multiple angles.
  1. Many companies view the integration of disciplines as essential in the new generation of jobs. The growing interest in technology, artificial intelligence, and sustainability signals that integrating these elements will be crucial in your work. While your technical skills are important, the ability to converge your skill sets and adapt to changing times is what will truly make you stand out.


  1. With the research and learning you have undergone at CDE you can make an impact for good. For instance, addressing real-world issues like climate change.
  1. We live in a time where climate change is and will remain an existential threat to humanity. Sustainability is now at the forefront of social consciousness, galvanized by the increasingly tangible impact of climate change, coupled with a louder voice put forth by the next generation.
  1. Not only has global attention on sustainability reached unprecedented heights, but it has also grown into a key area of focus for many businesses, and governments all over the world. In Singapore, the Singapore Green Plan and the Singapore Green Building Masterplan are sound testaments to our government’s strong commitment to sustainability.
  1. In 2022, the government raised Singapore’s national climate target to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Going further, the public sector has committed to achieving net zero emissions around 2045 under the GreenGov.SG initiative, ahead of the national target.
  1. As engineers in the 21st Century, you are aware of how your work has a significant impact on the environment. We contribute directly to the quality of our places and spaces, and by extension, to Singapore’s national climate goals.
  1. Engineers are pivotal to the greening of the built environment, and engineers will play important roles in decarbonization and climate change mitigation.
  1. The structures you design, and build should stand as testaments to your commitment not just to excellence, but to a greener, low-carbon-built environment. Consider the environmental footprint of your projects and seek out ways to minimize it. Embrace sustainable practices and champion innovations that promote environmental stewardship. Remember that every decision you make has the potential to influence the world for generations to come.
  1. I urge you to be conscious of the choices you make when you enter the workforce, having the ability to opt for greener alternatives in your organization, or even through the research you produce. Together, we can make a positive change.


  1. As engineers, you will have the opportunity to shape the world we live in. Your work will define the skylines of our cities, the safety of our infrastructure, and the sustainability of our environments. With this power comes great responsibility. You must strive to make a positive impact on the industry, the community, and the environment.
  1. In your professional endeavours, prioritize the well-being of the communities you serve. Engineering is not just about creating physical structures; it is about enhancing the quality of life. Engage with the people who will be affected by your work, listen to their needs and concerns, and strive to create solutions that are not only functional but also inclusive and equitable.
  1. As you embark on this exciting journey, remember the values and principles that have guided you so far: integrity, curiosity, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Continue to learn and grow, both personally and professionally. Seek out mentors, embrace new challenges, and never stop pushing the boundaries of what is possible.


  1. In closing, I urge you to dream big and to let those dreams be a source of inspiration and motivation. The world needs your creativity, your expertise, and your passion now more than ever. Go forth with confidence, knowing that you have the power to make a profound impact on the community and the environment.
  1. Today is a celebration of the tireless effort you have put in to be here. Be proud of this achievement and hold your head high.
  1. Graduates, I wish you all the best – not only in your careers but in all you do as you embark on the next chapter of your life. Thank you.