Mr Lim Chong Tee – Outstanding Engineering Young Alumni Award

Lim Chong TeeMr Lim Chong Tee

Chief Marketing Officer
WateROAM Pte Ltd
Environmental Engineering, Class of 2016

Quote from recipient: “An entrepreneur is one that finds opportunities in challenges, uncover solutions in problems and one that move forth with conviction in the greatest of challenges. I am grateful that my education as an engineer has built that fortitude in me, that ability to see light in the darkest of times. Our journey to end prolonged thirst has just started but I believe that together as a team, we will go far in this journey.”

Mr Lim Chong Tee graduated with an honours degree Environmental Engineering and the valedictorian from the National University of Singapore in 2016.

As a child, he has always asked himself about what is his purpose and meaning in this world, As a Singaporean, he feel blessed and privileged to be born in a country that is safe and secure. At the back of his mind, he knew this is not the case for billions of people. With 2 billion people without access to safe drinking water globally, he found his calling in serving these people. As an entrepreneur that finds opportunities in challenges, uncover solutions in problems and one that move forth with conviction in the greatest of challenges. 5 years ago, he started WateROAM with his co-founders, David and Vincent with one goal in mind – a world without prolonged thirst.

With this vision, Mr Lim Chong Tee co-founded WateROAM, a social enterprise that develops simple, portable, durable and affordable water filtration systems to help affected communities in disaster-hit sites and rural developments obtain safe drinking water. As an evangelist fighting for the universal human right to clean water, he has since been able to improve the lives of more than 83,500 people through the patented filtration technology developed by WateROAM. The road is long but the vision is clear. He knows that it is not easy journey feat as they are many hurdles to overcome and many mountains to climb- sometimes, very literally. With the support of many like-minded comrades who believe in the same dream and they are able to reach where they are today.

The list of awards that Mr Lim has achieved is no mean feat either. To name a few:

  • Facebook Social Entrepreneurship Award, Asia Pacific Regional Winner 2017
  • PUB Hydropreneur Programme 2016, Most Investment Worthy Award
  • Leave a Nest Singapore 2015, Tech Demo Day Singapore, Winner
  • Shell Live Wire Award 2015, Winner
  • Singapore International Foundation, Young Social Entrepreneur 2015, Winner
  • National University of Singapore, Innovation Practicum Grant, Winner
  • Engineering Colours Awards 2015, Bronze Award
  • PUB Hydropreneur Programme 2014, Rising Hydropreneur Star Award.

Serving the Engineering Community

Since 2015, Mr Lim has volunteered as a Mentor for the youth as Beyond Social Services. He led at-risk youths to reach out to families and natural support networks of local community. He actively engaged youths to contribute their talent, time and resources back to the community to cultivate partnerships between family groups and residents. For the community, Mr Lim actively participated in assets-based community profiling to seek and identify youth leaders. For NUS, he served in the SM2 Mentorship Programme for International Scholars as the Vice President and a Mentor; effectively engaging international scholars in their daily residential activities and to help them adapt to Singapore’s culture and university life in NUS .

Honouring an Exceptional Alumnus

Mr Lim Chong Tee has definitely set a benchmark for his juniors at NUS Engineering. The Faculty is proud to have an alumnus of his stature, and is pleased to confer the Outstanding Engineering Young Alumni Award on him.