Er. Lim Peng Hong – Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award Recipient

Er. Lim Peng HongEr. Lim Peng Hong

Managing Director
PH Consulting Pte Ltd
Civil Engineering, Class of 1983

Quote from recipient: “I am deeply honoured to be conferred this award by my alma mater. It is of great significance to me, as it is an acknowledgement of the engineering journey that I started in 1979 when I enrolled into NUS.

Along the journey, with the support of my family, friends and colleagues, I have learnt from many masters, and have enjoyed many engineering moments when projects are completed. I can look back with no regrets.”

Er Lim Peng Hong graduated from the National University of Singapore in 1983 with a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering with First Class Honours and with a Master of Science in Civil Engineering in 1986. After the corporatization of the Public Works Department in 1999, Er. Lim joined the corporatized consultancy which is now known as CPG Consultants Pte. Ltd. He rose from his initial appointment as a Vice President to become the Senior Vice President of the Transportation Engineering Division, leading a team of about 30 staff. This was a new area for him to build up CPG expertise and business in transportation engineering. It included selecting the correct engineers for the division, and sending them for skills and knowledge enhancement, including overseas Master Course. Subsequently, Er. Lim became the Senior Vice President for the Civil & Transportation Division which was a merger of his existing division with another larger division, leading to a staff strength of more than 100, with a turnover of over $12 million.

In 2009, Er. Lim started his own consultancy, PH Consulting Pte Ltd (PHC) and it has grown from a 3-man operation to a company with over 40 staff now. Revenue has grown to almost $4 million annually. The consultancy has 8 Professional Engineers among the over 40 employees.

Er. Lim started the business doing mostly Accredited Checking works on Geotechnical Building Works, and QP Supervision. He has expanded into full Accredited Checking, and PHC is now an Accredited Checking Organisation, able to do design review of projects of unlimited value. Er. Lim is also supporting contractors on infrastructure projects, including two MRT stations, one MRT depot, and some of the infrastructural works at Changi Airport; the contracts range from $0.5 billion to over $1 billion.

In developing the business, Er. Lim has branched into infrastructural engineering, and his services include roads and drain diversions, erosion control designs and the Active Beautiful and Clean Water Professional. PHC is also one of the leaders in Design for Safety, a new requirement from Ministry of Manpower implemented in 2016. Currently, PHC is handling over 20 projects, with many of them over $500 million in project cost. In 2013, Er. Lim set up another consultancy, E-Struct Consulting Pte Ltd, which focuses on building engineering.

Serving the Community

As an active council member of the Association of Consulting Engineers Singapore (ACES), Er. Lim was involved in many ACES’ activities, including initiatives likes setting up the Joint Accreditation Committee. He was President of ACES from 2008 to 2011. Er. Lim is also a board member of the Professional Engineers Board (PEB) from 2009 to 2017. He was nominated in his first term in view of his standing as the president of ACES, and has stood for two subsequent terms as an elected representative. As a PEB board member, he is able to participate actively to ensure that engineering continue to excel in the national arena, and that the interests of consulting engineers are championed within the Professional Engineers Board.

Er. Lim was a member of the Institution of Engineers Singapore’s Engineering Accreditation Board, which accredits engineering degrees awarded in Singapore, in accordance with the internationally recognized Washington Accord framework. The accreditation ensures that our engineering programmes are of high quality and our graduates are recognized within the Washington Accord community.

Er. Lim has been chairing an Academic Advisory Committee in Institute of Technical Education (ITE) since 2010, first as the Chair of the Engineering Services Academic Advisory Committee, which has now been enlarged to include the manufacturing sector in 2016. The committee ensures that the courses conducted by ITE are relevant to the industry, and that their graduates are employable.

Er. Lim was a member of Expert Panel on Enhancing Flood Protection in Singapore, a panel formed by Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources (MEWR) from 2011 to 2012. The panel comprised international and local experts; and made recommendations to enhance the flood protection in Singapore. Er. Lim was the appointed by the Public Utilities Board to be one of two local members in the international Expert Panel on Drainage Design and Flood Management in Singapore. Through his service on these panels, he was able to contribute with an international perspective on local practices and ensure that professional Engineers in Singapore are recognized as experts.

Honouring an Exceptional Alumnus

Er. Lim Peng Hong is truly an inspiration to all NUS Engineering Alumni. The Faculty is proud to have an alumnus of his stature, and is pleased to confer the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award on him.