27 October 2020
Group Shot Of Ce Club

Built Environment Case Competition (BECC) 2020 initiated by Civil Engineering (CE) Club aims to expose students from multi-disciplinary to the Built Environment industry

Together with Building and Construction Authority (BCA) and National University of Singapore (NUS), the Built Environment Case Competition (BECC) 2020 was organized by the Civil Engineering (CE) Club. The competition aims to expose students to the Built Environment industry, create opportunities for collaboration and to raise awareness on the challenges within the industry which commonly faces problems with the onset of increased digitalization and manpower allocation.

The organizing committee opened the competition to students of all faculties to provide an avenue to foster problem-solving skills, communication and teamwork. The Multi-Disciplinary aspect of the competition is also clearly reflected in the composition of this year’s winning team: BEpossible, whose members include Sean Ang (School of Computing), Ko Jia Le (School of Computing) and Claire Tham (School of Design & Environment)

To learn more on the competition you may visit https://cde.nus.edu.sg/cee/built-environment-case-competition/ to view the video submission of the top ten finalists or https://cde.nus.edu.sg/cee/news/student-initiated-opportunities-a-multi-disciplinary-frontier-in-education/ to read more on the competition

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