28 April 2021
Prof Liu Computer Modelling System For Costal Defense

Computer modelling system for costal defense

To better assess the impact of climate change on Singapore’s coastal areas, a consortium led by NUS has been appointed by National Water Agency PUB to develop a model capable of evaluating both inland and coastal flood risks in tandem.

Together with water management solutions provider Hydroinformatics Institute (H2i), the NUS researchers led by Professor Philip Liu, Distinguished Professor from NUS Civil and Environmental Engineering, will work on a state-of-the-art Coastal-Inland Flood Model based on the nation’s densely built-up and urbanised environment. PUB officers will work closely with the project team during the entire project duration to share their experience with existing modelling systems.

To read more click here for NUS News and the article featured in The Strait Times here.

To read more on Prof Liu’s work, click here 

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