26 April 2023

Congratulations on obtaining the ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award for Year 2021 by ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO)

Assistant Professor Dr. Chew Soon Hoe (PI), Dr. Koh Juan Wei (Research Fellow) and Mr. Aw You Jin Eugene (Research Engineer), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, together with Housing & Development Board (HDB) colleagues, have received the “ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award 2021”; for the project titled “Rapid Classification of Soil using Artificial Intelligence”. They were awarded during the 40th Conference of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO) Award Ceremony on 7 Dec 2022.

The award recognizes the outstanding contribution to the engineering profession in the country. This innovative technique has been proven to increase productivity of re-using excavated soils for land reclamation, thereby promoting sustainability and reduce reliance on manpower in the construction industry.







In photo from left to right: 3 committee members of AFEO, 2022, Teo Cheng Soon (HDB engineer), Audrey Yim (HDB Engineer), Dr Chew (NUS), Er Dalson Chng (IES president)

Assistant Professor Dr. Chew Soon Hoe, was also conferred the Honorary Member of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations for his significant contributions. The honorary membership seeks to promote the formation and implementation of policies, plans and projects for the development of the country of the member organization or the entire ASEAN region that is relevant to the needs and economic capabilities of each country.

Our heartiest congratulations to Dr. Chew Soon Hoe and the team!

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