23 August 2017

CWR’s outreach for water lectures

CWR’s outreach for water lectures at Primary and Secondary schools on 23rd Aug. 2017.

On 23rd August 2017, three representatives from CWR, Ms He Miao, Ms Chen Yiwei and Mr Oh Guo Liang, were invited to give a lecture to students from Loyang Secondary School and Elias Park Primary School. The primary purpose of the lecture was to educate the students on Singapore water situation and challenges. The students were actively engaged in learning the four national taps of Singapore and how NEWater and desalination play a pivoting role in maintaining the Singapore’s water security. This is to instil the importance of conserving, valuing and enjoying the water resources to the younger generation.

CWR’s outreach for the World Water Day, held on Friday, 24th March 2017 at CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School.

As part of the World Water Day observation in CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School (Secondary), Research Engineer Mr. Loh Wei Hao was invited to showcase some of the research directions that Centre of Water Research (CWR) is currently pursuing on Friday, 24th March 2017. CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School (Secondary) advocate holistic research experience for the students. Hence, the students are exposed to advanced research topics such as contaminant adsorption, wastewater reuse technologies etc. Some of the students and even the teachers were interested in the research topics that Mr. Loh Wei Hao presented, and short discussions were done to ensure that the students and teachers could understand CWR’s R&D better. Importance on water security was emphasised during the exhibition, so as allow the students to understand the important of water and wastewater treatment technologies in Singapore, so as to ensure that our water supply in Singapore can meet the demands of Singapore’s population in a sustainable way.

Exchange master student Ms Poopipattana from The University of Tokyo visited CWR in March 2017 for a week to exchange the research ideas and activities with CWR researchers.

Activities Date/Time Venue Organizer(s)
CWR Seminar on Integrated Approach for Waste to Energy or Resources Recovery 30 Nov 2017,

2pm to 4pm


Faculty of Engineering @ NUS

Centre for Water Research, CEE

National University of Singapore

CWR workshop on Advanced Physical and Chemical Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment 25 Aug. 2017 E3-06-01

Faculty of Engineering @ NUS

Centre for Water Research, CEE

National University of Singapore

Merlion Project Seminar 16 Nov. 2016 EA-02-11

Faculty of Engineering @ NUS

Centre for Water Research, CEE

National University of Singapore

CWR-KEITI Joint Workshop on Membrane Research 18 Oct. 2016 EA-06-05

Faculty of Engineering @ NUS

Centre for Water Research, CEE

National University of Singapore

25th KKNN Symposium on Environmental Engineering 8-9 July 2016 Faculty of Engineering @ NUS Centre for Water Research,

National University of Singapore

ABC Water Professionals Workshop

Soakaway Rain Garden and Modular Bioretention Systems

26 April 2016 (Tuesday)

9.00am – 5.00 pm


Faculty of Engineering @ NUS

Centre for Water Research,

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,

NUS Environmental Research Institute

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