ITVS Laboratory

Welcome to the ITVS Lab @ The National University of Singapore

Itvs Mission


Introduction to ITVS Laboratory

Itvs 1 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is the integrated applications of advanced technologies to improve safety, enhance mobility, minimize environmental impact, save energy & promote productivity of transportation systems. A collective term used by transportation professionals and researchers, ITS embraces information technology, wireless communication, artificial-intelligence techniques, spatial and temporal data-analysis methods, and other emerging technologies that increasingly work to improve the functionality and performance of air, sea, and land transportation modes. The underlying requirements for all these advances safer, more efficient and more environmentally friendly.

Itvs 2Singapore is a good example of a city with good ITS infrastructure. Among the ITS systems are the famous Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) System, Expressway Monitoring and Advisory System (EMAS), Green Link Determining (GLIDE) system, Junction-Eye (J-Eye) system, GPS-based taxi dispatching system, and etc. The latest is the i_Transport that integrates some of the above mentioned systems for large-scale expressway and arterial traffic control and management.

The Intelligent Transportation & Vehicle Systems (ITVS) Lab was established by the Department of Civil Engineering in April 2000 in recognition of the importance of ITS in traffic management. The mission of the laboratory is to support faculty and research staff in NUS to conduct multi-disciplinary ITS research and offering of ITS education program so as to put NUS in the world map of ITS R&D. The ITVS Lab is the focal point of ITS R&D in NUS.

Since its establishment in 2000, the laboratory has grown in terms of its size and activities. Faculty staff from various schools and departments, including

  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Industrial & Systems Engineering
  • Geography
  • School of Computing
  • The Logistics Institute-Asia Pacific

have participated in joint research activities. Through the Lab, they have collaborated with government agencies such as

  • Land Transportation Authority (LTA) of Singapore
  • Maritime & Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore
  • Civil Aviation Authority (CAAS) of Singapore
  • Ministry of Defense, Singapore

and also industrial corporations such as

  • CET Technologies Pte. Ltd.
  • Honda ICVS Singapore Pte. Ltd.

Several research projects have also been conducted in collaboration with the following universities

  • Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
  • Tsinghua University, China
  • Technical University of Munich, Germany
  • Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
  • University of California, Davis, USA
  • University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
  • Utah State University, USA

The list of research projects can be found under Projects. Over the years, the projects undertaking by researchers in the Lab has expanded from surface ITS to intermodal ITS, covering sea and air transportation. The project scope has also included logistics and terminal operations.

Itvs 3In terms of ITS training, the laboratory has groomed more than 18 graduate research students with masters or PhD theses in ITS and 22 undergraduate students with final year theses in ITS. Majority of the graduates are practicing engineers in the local industry, while some of them are pursuing PhD degree in U.S. universities. This reflects the relevance of our ITS training program to local needs, as well as the recognition by international academic and research institutions. A list of our alumni and their whereabouts can be found under People.

The Lab can be said to progress into the second phase of its development. In the initial phase, the main focuses of the Lab was to (1) train ITS professionals to meet the local and regional ITS industry needs and (2) to establish reputation among the leading institutions in the U.S., Asia and Europe. The vision of the Lab in its second phase is to groom more PhD graduates for ITS R&D, in anticipation of the next waves of ITS development: Global ITS, Intermodal ITS, Logistics ITS and ITSecurity.

Its Centre
Photo of LTA’s ITS Centre


  • 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Transportation and The Environment
  • The IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Transportation and The Environment
  • 1st International Conference on Transportation Logistics


NUS Engineering
Block EA #07-26, Engineering Drive 1
Singapore 117575
Phone number: +65 6516 2101