Law Wing Keung, Adrian


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Dr Law is currently a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at NUS from 2024. He obtained PhD and MSc degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley with specialisations in coastal and hydraulic engineering and BEng (Civil) from the University of Hong Kong. He was a senior practising engineer in the USA for over 7 years (while pursuing graduate education), before migrating to Singapore to join the academic faculty of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technology University in 1995.  He chaired the Joint IAHR/IWA Committee in Marine Outfall Systems (2014-16) and ASEAN Hydroinformatics Data Centre as Singapore’s representative (2022-2023) and is the current Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Hydro-environment Research as well as Editorial Board members in related technical journals.

Dr Law has active interests in coastal and hydraulic engineering, environmental hydraulics, and data-driven process control of water systems. He adopts the Research-Development-Translation-Application (RDTA) philosophy, to evolve fundamental understandings validated by laboratory experiments and numerical simulations into state-of-the-art solutions with tangible benefits in field applications. Dr Law is particularly experienced in large-scale water projects and has been an expert consultant for major water infrastructure projects for many local and international companies. His current research focuses on the advancement of close-range remote sensing to monitor coastal environment under climate change and sea level rise, probabilistic and generative machine learning to optimise process control for water systems and treatment facilities, and innovations in coastal renewable energy systems.


  • Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, USA 1991
  • M.S. University of California, Berkeley, USA 1985
  • B.Eng. (Civil) University of Hong Kong 1984

Honours & Awards

  • Top-2% scientist list by Stanford University (2023)
  • Merit Award, Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Minister Innovation Award (2023)
  • Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Prize, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), (2014)
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE (2012)
  • Faculty Fellow, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (2011 and 2013)
  • William Mong Research Fellow, University of Hong Kong (2010)
  • UPS Foundation Visiting Professor, Stanford University (2001-02)
  • Wesley Horner Award, ASCE (2000)
  • Outstanding Technical Paper Award of Bechtel Corp. USA (1999 and 2000)
  • Award of Merit, Bechtel Corp. USA (1993)

Professional Activities

  • Council member, International Association of Hydro-environment Engineering and Research

Selected Publications

Journal Papers, partial List in last 10 years (ORCID: 0000-0002-2593-6361):

Coastal and Hydraulic Engineering

  1. Liu, X., Sree, D.K.K., and Law, A.W.K., 2023. “A numerical study on wave overwash on viscoelastic floating covers using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics.” Physics of Fluids, 35, 117113.
  2. Kieu, H.T., Pak, H.Y., Trinh, H.L., Pang, D.S.C., Khoo, E. and Law, A.W.K., 2023. “UAV-based remote sensing of turbidity in coastal environment for regulatory monitoring and assessment”. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 196, 115482.
  3. Wang, Y., Yu, X. and Law, A.W.K., 2023. “Numerical study on scroll vortex intake with partially or fully sealed cover of vortex chamber”. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 17(1), DOI10.1080/19942060.2023.2265652.
  4. Zeng, F., Bi, C., Sree, D., Huang, G., Zhang, N., Law, A.W.K., 2023. “An adaptive barrier-mooring system for coastal floating solar farms”. Applied Energy, 348, 121618
  5. Yang, P.P., Law, A.W.K., Xu, S., Sim, S.T.V., Chan, H., Chitwatkulsiri, D., Loc, H.H., and Irvine, K.N., 2023. “Assessment of compound flooding through seamless linkage of coastal hydrodynamic and inland catchment models”. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.jher.2022.11.001.
  6. Bi, C. and Law, A.W.K., 2023. “Co-locating offshore wind and floating solar farms–Effect of high wind and wave conditions on solar power performance”. Energy, 266, 126437.
  7. Pak, H.Y., Law, A.W.K., and Lin, W., 2023. “Retrieval of total suspended solids concentration from hyperspectral sensing using hierarchical Bayesian model aggregation for optimal multiple band ratio analysis.” Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 46, 1-18.
  8. Bi, C., Law, A.W.K., and Wu, M.S., 2022. “Dual poroviscoelastic wave barriers for compliant floating platforms”. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 148 (8), 04022041.
  9. Trinh, H.L., Kieu, H.T., Pak, H.Y., Pang, D.S.C., Cokro, A.A., and Law, A.W.K., 2022. “A framework for survey planning using Portable Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (pUAVs) in coastal hydro-Environment.” Remote Sensing, 14(9), 2283.
  10. Kieu, H.T., and Law, A.W.K., 2022. “Determination of surface film thickness of heavy fuel oil using hyperspectral imaging and deep neural networks”. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 43(3), 997-1014.
  11. Bi, C., Wu, M.S., and Law, A.W.K. 2022. “Surface wave interaction with a viscoelastic barrier”. Applied Ocean Research, 120, 103073.
  12. Sree D.K. K., Law, A.W.K., Pang, D.S.C., Tan, S.T., Wang, C.L., Kew, J.H., Seow, W.K., and Lim, V.H., 2022. “Fluid-structural analysis of modular floating solar farms under wave motion”. Solar Energy, 233, 161–181.
  13. Bi, C., Wu, M.S., and Law, A.W.K. 2022. “Performance of dual viscoelastic wave barrier system with unequal draft”. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 148 (1), 04021129.
  14. Bi, C., Wu, M.S., and Law, A.W.K. 2021. “Stabilisation of compliant floating platforms with sheet barriers under wave action”. Ocean Engineering, 240,
  15. Kieu, H. and Law, A.W.K., 2021. “Remote sensing of coastal hydro-environment with portable Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (pUAVs): a state-of-the-art review”. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 37, 32-45.
  16. Wei, Y., Sree, D., Yang, C., and Law, A.W.K., 2021. “Surface wave measurements with IoT image processing”. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 39, 60-70.
  17. Palmitessa, R., Mikkelsen, P.K., Law, A.W.K., and Borup, M., 2021. “Data assimilation in hydrodynamic models for system-wide soft sensing and sensor validation for urban drainage tunnels”. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 23(3), 438-452.
  18. Palmitessa, R., Mikkelsen, P.K., Borup, M., and Law, A.W.K., 2021. “Soft sensing of water depth in combined sewers using LSTM neural networks with missing observations”. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 38, 106-116.
  19. Sree, D.K.K., Mandal, S., and Law, A.W.K., 2021. “Surface wave interactions with submerged horizontal viscoelastic sheets”. Applied Ocean Research, 107, 102483.
  20. Sree, D.K.K., Law, A.W.K. and Shen, H.H., 2020. “An experimental study on gravity waves through segmented floating viscoelastic covers”. Applied Ocean Research, 101, 102233.
  21. Parra, S.M., Sree, D.K.K., Wang, D., Rogers, E., Lee, J.H., Collins, C.O., Law, A.W.K. and Babanin, A.V., 2020. “Experimental Study on Surface Wave Modifications by Different Ice Covers”. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 174, 103042.
  22. Er, J.W., Law, A.W.K., Adams, E.E. and Zhao, B., 2020. “Spreading and deposition of turbidity currents: Application to open-water sediment disposal”. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 146 (3), 04020002.
  23. Chew, A.W.Z., Law, A.W.K. and Vu, T. T., 2020. “Optimizing speedup performance of computational hydrodynamic simulations with UPC programming model”. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 34(2), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000876.
  24. Jiang, M., Law, A.W.K. and Song, J., 2019. “Mixing characteristics of inclined dense jets with difference nozzle geometries”. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 27, 116-128.
  25. Yiew, L.J., Parra, S.M., Wang, D., Sree, D.K.K., Babanin, A.V., and Law, A.W.K., 2019. “Wave attenuation and dispersion due to floating ice covers”. Applied Ocean Research, 87, 256-263.
  26. Lai, A.C.H., Law, A.W.K., and Adams, E.E., 2019. “A second-order integral model for buoyant jets with background homogeneous and isotropic turbulence”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 871, 271-304.
  27. Jiang, M., Law, A.W.K., and Lai, A.C.H., 2019. “Turbulence characteristics of 45o inclined dense jets”. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 19(1), 27-54.
  28. Vu, T.T., Law, A.W.K., Nguyen, T.H., and Chew, A.W.Z., 2019. “Computational flood modelling with UPC architecture”. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 33(2), 04019002 (9 pages).
  29. Sree, D.K.K., Law, A.W.K. and Shen, H.H., 2018. “An experimental study on gravity waves through a floating viscoelastic cover”. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 155, 289-299.
  30. Mandal, S., Law, A.W.K. and Shen, H.H., 2018. “Wave interactions with circular ice ridge embedded in level ice”. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 155, 90-99.
  31. Jiang, M. and Law, A.W.K., 2018. “Mixing of swirling inclined dense jets – a numerical study”. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 21, 118-130.
  32. Er, J.W., Law, A.W.K., Adams, E.E., and Yang, Y., 2018. “Improved light attenuation method for 2D data acquisition of sediment depths”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 114(6), Article Number 04018028.
  33. Sun, Z., Zhang, N., Law, A.W.K., and Huang, G., 2018. “Dynamic loading on flexible floating anti-collision system due to head-on collision by uncontrolled vessel”. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 144 (3), 05018001.
  34. Lai, A.C.H., Adams, E.E. and Law, A.W.K., 2018. “Mass loss to the trailing stem of a sediment cloud”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 139(2), 114-123.
  35. Jiang, M., Law, A.W.K., and Zhang, S., 2018. “Mixing behaviour of 45-degree inclined dense jets in currents”. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 18, 37-48.
  36. Sun, Z., Huang, G., Zhang, N., and Law, A.W.K., 2017. “Dynamic responses of a flexible floating anti-collision system under random waves”. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 27 (04), 406-414.
  37. Shao, D.D., Huang, D.Y., Jiang, B. and Law, A.W.K., 2017. “Flow patterns and mixing characteristics of horizontal buoyant jets at low and moderate Reynolds numbers”. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 105, 831- 846.
  38. Zhang, S., Law, A.W.K., and Jiang, M., 2017. “Large eddy simulations of 45-degree and 60-degree inclined dense jets with bottom impact”. Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 15, 54-66.
  39. Sree, D.K.K., Law, A.W.K. and Shen, H.H., 2016. “An experimental study on the interactions between surface waves and floating viscoelastic covers”. Wave Motion.
  40. Law, A.W.K. and Tang, C., 2016. “Industrial water treatment and industrial marine outfalls – achieving the right balance”. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 10(4), 472-479.
  41. Lai, A.C.H., Chan, S.N., Law, A.W.K. and Adams, E.E., 2016. “Spreading hypothesis of a particle plume”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 142(12), Article Number 04016065.
  42. Er, J.W., Law, A.W.K., Adams, E.E. and Zhao, B., 2016. “Open-water disposal of barged sediment”. Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 142(5), Article Number 04016006.
  43. Lai, A.C.H., Wang, R., Law, A.W.K. and Adams, E.E., 2016. “Modeling and experiments of polydisperse particle clouds”. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 16(4), 875-898.
  44. Huang G., Law, Huang, Z. and Law, A.W.K., 2016. “Analytical study on drift of small floating objects under regular waves”. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 142(6), Article Number 06016002.
  45. Zhang, S., Jiang, B., Law, A.W.K. and Zhao, B., 2016. “Large eddy simulations of 45° inclined dense jets”. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 16(1), 101-121.
  46. Huang, G., Zhang, N., Law, A.W.K., Song, Y. and Lin, L., 2016. “Motion response of immersing tunnel element under random waves”. Ships and Offshore Structures, 11(6), 561-574.
  47. Vu, T.T., Nguyen, P.K.T., Chua, L.H.C., and Law, A.W.K., 2015. “Two-dimensional hydrodynamic modelling of flood inundation for a part of the Mekong River with TELEMAC-2D”. British Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 5(2), 162-175.
  48. Wang, R.Q., Adams, E.E., Law, A.W.K. and Lai, A.C.H., 2015. “Scaling particle cloud dynamics: from lab to field”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 141(7), Article Number 06015006.
  49. Song, J. and Law, A.W.K., 2015. “Longitudinal dispersion of turbulent oscillatory pipe flows”. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 15(3), 563-593.
  50. Lai, A.C.H., Zhao, B., Law, A.W.K. and Adams, E.E., 2015. “A numerical and analytical study of the effect of aspect ratio on the behaviour of a round thermal”. Environment Fluid Mechanics, 15(1), 85-108.
  51. Zhang, S., Law, A.W.K. and Zhao, B., 2015. “Large eddy simulations of turbulent circular wall jets”. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 80, 72-84. 
  52. Wang, R.Q., Law, A.W.K., Adams, E.E., 2014. “Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) of settling particle cloud dynamics”. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 67, 65-75.
  53. Deng, Z., Huang, Z. and Law, A.W.K., 2014. “Wave power extraction from A bottom-mounted oscillating water column converter with a V-shaped channel”. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 470 (2167), 20140074.
  54. Zhao, B., Law, A.W.K., Adams, E.E. and Er, J., 2014. “Formation of particle clouds”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 746, 193-213.
  55. Jiang, B., Law, A.W.K. and Lee, J.H.W., 2014. “Mixing of 30° and 45° inclined dense jets in shallow coastal waters”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 140(3), 241-253.
  56. Jiang, B. and Law, A.W.K., 2014. “Non-interfering multiport brine diffusers in shallow coastal waters”. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 1(2), 148-157.

Environmental Technology

  1. Wei, Y., Law, A.W.K., and Yang, C., 2023. “Data assimilation with missing data in nonstationary environments for Probabilistic Machine Learning Models”. Journal of Computational Science, 102151.
  2. Tan, J., Law, A.W.K., Mann, A., and Cheung, J.H.K. (2023). “Digital-twin-controlled ventilation for real-time resilience against transmission of airborne infectious disease in an indoor food court.” Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 01436244231204450.
  3. Li, X., Law, A.W.K. and Yin, X., 2023. “Partition-based distributed extended Kalman filter for large-scale nonlinear processes with application to chemical and wastewater treatment processes”. American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Journal,
  4. Soon, G., Zhang, H., Law, A.W.K. and Yang, C., 2023. “Computational modelling on gasification processes of municipal solid wastes including molten slag”. Waste, 1(2), 370-388.
  5. Wei, Y., Law, A.W.K., and Yang, C., 2023. “Probabilistic optimal interpolation for data assimilation between machine learning model predictions and real-time observations”. Journal of Computational Science, 67, 101977.
  6. Zhang, H., Okuyama, K., Higuchi, S., Soon, G., Lisak, G., and Law, A.W.K., 2023. “CFD-DEM simulations of municipal solid waste gasification in a pilot-scale direct-melting furnace”. Waste Management, 162, 43-54.
  7. Wei, Y., Law, A.W.K., and Yang, C., 2022. “Real-Time Data-Processing Framework with Model Updating for Digital Twins of Water Treatment Facilities.” Water, 14(22), 3591. 14 pages.
  8. Hong, T.Z.X., Kieu, H., You, L., Zheng, H., Law, A.W.K., and Zhou, K., 2022. “2D CuBDC and IRMOF-1 as reverse osmosis membranes for seawater desalination: A molecular dynamics study”. Applied Surface Science, 601, 154088.
  9. Soon, G., Zhang, H., Yang, C., and Law, A.W.K., 2022. “Modelling of melting in packed media due to forced air convection with higher temperature using Euler-Euler-Lagrangian approach”. Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 194, 123055.
  10. Wei, Y., Law, A.W.K., Tang, D., and Yang, C., 2022. “Combined anomaly detection framework for Digital Twins of water treatment facilities.” Water, 14(7), 1001. 18 pages.
  11. Liu, J., Law, A.W.K., and Duru, O., 2022. “Reducing emissions of atmospheric pollutants along major dry bulk and tanker routes through autonomous shipping”. Journal of Environmental Management, 302, 114080.
  12. Liu, J., Law, A.W.K., and Duru, O., 2021. “Abatement of atmospheric pollutant emissions with autonomous vessels in maritime transportation using Bayesian Probabilistic Forecasting”. Atmospheric Environment, 261, 118593.
  13. Soon, G., Zhang, H., Yang, C., and Law, A.W.K., 2021. “Simulations of melting in fluid-filled packed media due to forced convection with higher temperature”. Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 175, 121358.
  14. Hong, T.Z.X., Dahanayaka, M., Liu, B., Law, A.W.K., and Zhou, K., 2021. “Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks as capacitive deionization electrodes for water desalination and Cr (VI) adsorption: a molecular simulation study”. Applied Surface Science, 546, 149080.
  15. Liu, J., Duru, O., and Law, A.W.K., 2020. “Assessment of atmospheric pollutant emissions with maritime energy strategies using Bayesian simulations and time series forecasting”. Environmental Pollution, 270, 116068.
  16. Jiang, M., Lai, A.C.H., and Law, A.W.K., 2020. “Solid waste incineration modelling for advanced moving grate incinerators”. Sustainability, 12(19), 8007.
  17. Kieu, H.T., Tsang, A.Y.C., Zhou, K., and Law, A.W.K., 2020. “Evaporation kinetics of nano water droplets using coarse-grained molecular dynamic simulations”.  Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 156, 119884
  18. Tang, D., Song, J., and Law, A.W.K., 2020. “Application of feed flow reversal for nanofiltration of highly concentrated industrial wastewaters”. Desalination, 485, 114462
  19. Dahanayaka, M., Babicheva, R., Chen, Z., Law, A.W.K., Wu, M.S., and Zhou, K., 2020. “Atomistic simulation study of GO/HKUST-1 MOF Membranes for seawater desalination via pervaporation”. Applied Surface Science, 503, 144-198.
  20. Chew, A.W.Z. and Law, A.W.K., 2020. “Homogenization theory with multiscale perturbation analysis for supervised learning of complex adsorption-desorption process in porous-media systems”. Journal of Computational Science, 34 (2), 06020001.
  21. Li, R., Yuan, S., Zhang, W., Zheng, H., Zhu, W., Li, B., Zhou, M., Law, A.W.K., and Zhou, K., 2019. “3D printing of mixed matrix films based on metal-organic frameworks and thermoplastic polyamide 12 by selective laser sintering for water applications”. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11(43), 40564-40574
  22. Kieu, H.T., Liu, B., Zhang, H., Zhou, K., and Law, A.W.K., 2019. “Surface morphology effect on the evaporation of water on graphene oxide: a molecular dynamics study”. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 488, 335-342.
  23. Zhang, H., Wu, M.S., Zhou, K., and Law, A.W.K., 2019. “Molecular insights into the composition-structure-property relationships of polyamide thin films for reverse osmosis desalination”. Environmental Science and Technology, 53, 11, 6374-6382.
  24. Chew, A.W.Z. and Law, A.W.K., 2019. “Feature engineering using homogenization theory with multiscale perturbation analysis for supervised model-based learning of physical clogging condition in seepage filters”. Journal of Computational Science, 32, 21-35.
  25. Li, T., Tang, D., Song, J., and Law, A.W.K., 2019. “Reverse osmosis desalination process with feed flow reversal operation: experimental studies”. Desalination and Water Treatment, 144, 339-344.
  26. Lai, A.C.H. and Law, A.W.K., 2019. “Numerical modelling of municipal waste bed incineration”. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 29(2), 504-522.
  27. Kieu, H.T., Liu, B., Zhang, H., Zhou, K., and Law, A.W.K., 2018. “Molecular dynamics study of water evaporation enhancement through a capillary graphene bilayer with tunable hydrophilicity”. Applied Surface Science, 452, 372-380.
  28. Zhang, W, Li, R., Zhao, X., Chen, Z., Law, A.W.K., and Zhou, K., 2018. “A Cobalt-Based Metal–Organic Framework as Cocatalyst on BiVO 4 Photoanode for enhanced photoelectrochemical water oxidation”. ChemSusChem, 11(16), 2710-2716.
  29. Zhang, H., Liu, B., Kieu, H.T., Wu, M.S., Zhou, K., and Law, A.W.K., 2018. “Coarse-grained molecular dynamics study of membrane distillation through meso-size graphene channels”. Journal of Membrane Science, 558, 34-44.
  30. Chew, A.W.Z. and Law, A.W.K., 2018. “DRFM hybrid model to optimize energy performance of pre-treatment depth filters in desalination facilities” Applied Energy, 220, 576-597.
  31. Liu, B., Law, A.W.K. and Zhou, K., 2018. “Strained single-layer C2N membrane for efficient seawater desalination via forward osmosis: a molecular dynamics study”. Journal of Membrane Science, 550, 554-562.
  32. Dahanayaka, M., Liu, B., Hu, Z.Q., Pei, Q.X., Chen, Z., Law, A.W.K. and Zhou, K., 2018. “Graphene membranes with nanoslits for seawater desalination via forward osmosis”. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19(45), 30551-30561.
  33. Kieu, H.T., Liu, B., Zhou, K., and Law, A.W.K., 2017. “Pressure-driven water permeation through multilayer graphene nanosheets”. Physica Status Solidi B – Basic Solid State Physics, 254(10), Article Num. 1700074.
  34. Akhondi, E., Zamani, F., Law, A.W.K., Krantz, W.B., Fane, A.G. and Chew, J.W., 2017. “Influence of backwashing on the pore size of hollow fibre ultrafiltration membranes”. Journal of Membrane Science, 521, 33-42.
  35. Liu, B., Bai, L., Korznikova, E.A., Dmitriev, S.V., Law, A.W.K. and Zhou, K., 2017. “Thermal conductivity and the tensile response of phosphorene nanosheets with vacancy defects”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121(25), 13876-13887.
  36. Hu, Z.Q., Liu, B., Dahanayaka, M., Law, A.W.K., Wei, J. and Zhou, K., 2017. “Ultrafast permeation of seawater pervaporation using single-layered C2N via strain engineering”. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19(24), 15973-15979.
  37. Zhang, H., Liu, B., Wu, M. S., Zhou, K. and Law, A.W.K., 2017. “Transport of salty water through graphene bilayer in an electric field: a molecular dynamics study”. Computational Materials Science, 131, 100-107.
  38. Song, J., Li, T., Wright-Contreras, L. and Law, A.W.K., 2017. “A review of the current status of small-scale seawater reverse osmosis desalination”. Water International, 42(5), 618-631.
  39. Dahanayaka, M., Liu, Bo. Hu, Z., Law, A.W.K., and Zhou, K., 2017. “Corrugated graphene layers for seawater desalination using capacitive deionization”. Phy. Chem. Chem. Physics, 19(12), 8552-8562.
  40. Pourbozorg, M., Li, T. and Law, A.W.K., 2017. “Fouling of submerged hollow fibre membrane filtration in turbulence: Statistical dependence and cost-benefit analysis”. Journal of Membrane Science. 521, 43-52.
  41. Liu, B., Wu, R., Law, A.W.K., Feng, X.Q., Bai, L. and Zhou, K., 2016. “Channel morphology effect on water transport through graphene bilayers”, Scientific Reports, 6, 38583.
  42. Pourbosorg, M., Li, T. and Law, A.W.K., 2016. “Effect of turbulence on fouling control of submerged hollow fibre membrane filtration”. Water Research, 99, 101-111.
  43. Li, T., Law, A.W.K., Jiang, Y.S., Harijanto, A.K. and Fane, A.G., 2016. “Fouling control of submerged hollow fibre membrane bioreactor with transverse vibration”. Journal of Membrane Science, 505, 216-224.
  44. Liu, B., Wu, R., Baimova, J.A., Wu, H., Law, A.W.K., Dmitrievcf, S.V. and Zhou, K., 2016. “Molecular dynamics study of pressure-driven water transport through graphene bilayers”. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 1886-1896.
  45. Wu, R.B., Qian, X.K., Law, A.W.K. and Zhou, K., 2016. “Coordination polymer-derived mesoporous Co3O4 hollow nanospheres for high-performance lithium-ion batteries”. RSC Advances, 6(56) 50846-50850.
  46. Wu, R.B., Wang, D.P., Rui. X., Liu, B., Zhou, K., Law, A.W.K., Yan, Q., Wei, J. and Chen, Z., 2015. “In-situ formation of hollow hybrids composed of cobalt sulphides embedded within porous carbon polyhedral/carbon nanotubes for high-performance lithium-ion batteries”. Advanced Materials, 27(19), 3038-3044.
  47. Wu, R.B., Wang, D.P., Kumar, V., Zhou, K., Law, A.W.K., Lee, P.S., Lou, J. and Chen, Z., 2015. “MOFs-derived copper sulfides embedded within porous carbon octahedra for electrochemical capacitor applications”. Chemical Communications, 51(15), 3109-3112.
  48. Song, J., Ng, C.O. and Law, A.W.K., 2014. “Dispersion in oscillatory electro-osmotic flow through a parallel-plate channel with kinetic sorptive exchange at walls”. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B., 26(3), 363-373.
  49. Liu, B., Baimova, J.A., Reddy, C.D., Law, A.W.K., Dmitriev, S.V., Wu, H. and Zhou, K., 2014. “Interfacial thermal conductance of a Silicene/Graphene Bilayer Heterostructure and the effect of hydrogenation”. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6(20), 18180-18188.
  50. Zamani, F., Wicaksana, F., Taheri, A.H., Law, A.W.K., Fane, A.G. and Krantz, W.B., 2014. “Generalized criterion for the onset of particle deposition in CFMF via DOTM – Modeling and experimental validation”. Journal of Membrane Science, 457, 128-138.
  51. Liu, B., Baimova, J.A., Reddy, C.D., Dmitriev, S.V., Law, A.W.K., Feng, Q., and Zhou, K., 2014. “Interface thermal conductance and rectification in hybrid graphene/silicene monolayer”. Carbon, 79, 236-244.
  52. Li, T., Law, A.W.K. and Fane, A.G., 2014. “Submerged hollow fibre membrane filtration with transverse and longitudinal vibrations”. Journal of Membrane Science, 455, 83-91.