Chan Eng Soon

Chan Eng Soon


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Professor Chan Eng Soon is the Chief Executive Officer of the Technology Centre for Offshore and Marine, Singapore, and the Director of Research Administration at ODPRT, NUS. Prior to his current appointments, he held several key appointments in the National University of Singapore, including being the Vice Provost (Special Duties) in the Provost Office, Keppel Chair Professor at the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Dean of Engineering, Head of the then Civil Engineering Department, Director of the Tropical Marine Science Institute and Executive Director of the Centre for Offshore Research and Engineering. He was a member of the Workplace Safety and Health Council, the PUB Board and the Board of the DSO National Laboratories. He has also served in the Management Board of several institutions and research laboratories/centres, including the Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Temasek Laboratories, Temasek Defence Systems Institute and the Tropical Marine Science Institute.

Professor Chan received his Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Engineering degrees from the University of Singapore/NUS in 1980 and 1982 respectively. He received his Doctor of Science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1986.

Professor Chan’s research interests and activities are focused on marine processes, including marine hydrodynamics, wave-structure interactions, sediment transport and coastal protection.

Prof Chan is a Fellow of the Singapore Academy of Engineering, Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, and the Institution of Engineers, Singapore.


  • ScD (1986) in Hydrodynamics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • MEng (1982), BEng Hons. 1st (1980) in Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore

Honours & Awards

  • MND Minister Award 2006
  • MSc (Construction Engineering) Class of 1977 Silver Medal, 1980
  • NUS-Overseas Graduate Scholarship, 1981
  • Arthur Ippen Fellowship, 1984
  • Teaching Excellence Award, 1995, 1997, 1998
  • Teaching Honours List, 1996

Professional Activities

  • PEng (Singapore)
  • Chartered Engineer (Environment & Water Engineering), IES (Singapore)
  • Fellow, Institution of Engineers Singapore
  • Fellow, Singapore Academy of Engineering
  • Fellow, Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology
  • Member, Management Board, Singapore-Delft Water Alliance, (2010 – 2013)
  • Member, Temasek Defense Systems Institute Management Board (2009 – 2014)
  • Member, Temasek Laboratories Management Board (2009 – 2014)
  • Member, Interactive & Digital Media Institute Management Board (2008 – 2014)
  • Member, Tropical Marine Science Management Board (2009 – 2013)

Key external appointments (current term)

Name of Corporation/Firm Nature of Interest Duration
DSO National Laboratories Board of Directors 1 Apr 2017 – 31 Mar 2019
Public Utilities Board Board of Directors 1 Apr 2017 – 31 Mar 2019
Work Safety & Health Council, MOM Member 1 Apr 2017 – 31 Mar 2020

Teaching Areas

  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Coastal Engineering
  • Offshore Engineering

Research Focus

  • Marine Hydrodynamics
  • Free Surface Waves and Mixing Processes
  • Wave Actions
  • Coastal Sediment Transport
  • Coastal Protection

Selected Publications

  1. Tkalich*, P and E S Chan, “Breaking wind waves as a source of ambient noise”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 112. no. 2 (2002): 456-463. (United States).
  2. Kway, J H L, Y S Loh and E S Chan*, “Laboratory study of deep water breaking waves”. Ocean Engineering, 25, no. 8 (1998): 657-676. (United Kingdom).
  3. Sannasiraj*, S A, BABOVIC Vladan and E S Chan, “Local model approximation in the real time wave forecasting”, Coastal Engineering, 52, no. 3 (2005): 221-236. (Netherlands).
  4. Tkalich*, P and E S Chan, “Vertical Mixing of Oil Droplets by Breaking Waves”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44, no. 11 (2002): 1219-1229. (United Kingdom).
  5. Sannasiraj*, S A, H Zhang*. V Babovic and E S Chan, “Enhancing tidal prediction accuracy in a deterministic model using chaos theory”, Advances in Water Resources, 27 (2004): 761-772. (Netherlands).
  6. Zhang*, H, E S Chan, OLE S. Madsen, S A Sannasiraj and E S Chan, “Hydrodynamic model with wave-current interaction in coastal regions”. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 61 (2004): 317-324. (Netherlands).
  7. Sannasiraj*, S A, V Babovic and E S Chan, “Wave data assimilation using ensemble error covariances for operational wave forecast”, Ocean Modelling, 14 [2006: 102-121. (United Kingdom.)]
  8. Vladan*, BABOVIC, S A Sannasiraj and E S Chan, “Error correction of a predictive ocean wave model using local linear approximation”. Journal of Marine Systems, 53, no. 1-4 (2005): 1-17. (Belgium).
  9. Islam*, MD. MONIRUL, E S Chan and KIMITERU Sado, “Analysis of Satellite Derived Sea Surface Temperature Data for South China Sea and Java Sea”. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 5, No. 3 (2005) (Thailand).