Chew Keat Chuan

Adjunct Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Er. Chew Keat Chuan graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Civil Engineering from the National University of Singapore in 1983. He obtained his Master of Science in Civil Engineering in 1986. He is a professional engineer as well as an Accredited Checker. Keat Chuan began his career in the former Public Works Department and worked his way up to be the Group Director of the Building Engineering Group and Commissioner of Building Control of the Building and Construction Authority. As a Group Director and Commissioner, he is responsible for administering the Building Control Act to ensure that building works in Singapore are designed and constructed safely and in compliance with the structural safety requirements of the building legislation. Er. Chew has also served as the co-chair of the Technical Committee on Building Structure and Sub-Structure appointed by the Building and Construction Standards Committee and is responsible for the preparation of the Singapore Standards. Formerly, he also served on the Board of the Preservation of Monuments Board. In 2011, he was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver) by the Singapore Government for his contributions to public administration. Er. Chew is currently the Senior Technical Advisor of the Building and Construction Authority. He continues to be involved in the review of many of the challenging projects, research and innovation projects and products that are submitted to the Building and Construction Authority. He still continues to serve on the Professional Engineers Board.