Meet Our Students

“Do your best, find your passion along the way and enjoy the learning process!”
Lim Keng En John , Year 4 B.Eng.(Civil Engineering)

John (cve) Profile ImageLim Keng En John, Year 4 B.Eng.(Civil
Alumnus of Singapore Polytechnic, 2017

Why Civil Engineering (CVE) at NUS?

Since young I have been interested in structures and buildings. I also enjoy problem solving and being involved in engineering design.

What does your daily life as CVE student look like?

As a final year student, I head to the structural lab most of the time to conduct my experiments for my final year project. Through my final year project on the recycling of local waste marine clay, I was able to learn more about the importance of sustainability and green building materials and how as civil engineers we can play a part in mitigating the effects of climate change.

What is your favourite module?

Aside from the Civil Engineering modules, I enjoyed the module EE2211 Intro to Machine Learning where we learnt basic machine learning concepts and applied these concepts in Python coding.

Industrial Attachment

I completed 2 summer internships at both a contractor and consultant firm. Through both internships, I was able to understand the needs of the industry and make a more informed decision on my career path.  As my preference is in doing more engineering design work, I am planning to pursue my career in a consultant firm.

John (cve) Candid Image 2Student Exchange Programme

Usually, students will use this opportunity to go abroad and take up modules in a partner university. Due to COVID-19 travel restriction, I took part in a local exchange at Nanyang Technological University. It was an enriching opportunity for me to learn in a different setting and make new friends!

Now that the travel restrictions have been eased, I am sure you are able to travel and take part in oversea exchange programme.

Asides from academics, are there any CCA or activities you are part of?

I was part of NUS Dive. Through my CCA I was able to achieve my scuba diving license and it was a memorable experience to be able to witness the serenity and beauty of the underwater world!

Any tips for the incoming students?

Try to stay consistent throughout the semester and clarify any questions/doubts as soon as possible.

“Take a leap of faith and hope you fly!”
Hannah Diyanah Bte Yazid, Year 4 B.Eng.(Environmental Engineering)

Hannah Eve Profile PictureHannah Diyanah Bte Yazid, Year 4
B.Eng.(Environmental Engineering)
Alumnus of Innova Junior College, 2016

Why Environmental Engineering (EVE) at NUS?

As a year 1 common engineering student, I was researching the different types of engineering programme offered by NUS and EVE caught my attention. I decided to take up one of EVE modules as an introduction. In which I learnt about air pollution and water pollution. It was so interesting that I was then interested in environmental engineering.

My favourite takeaway from EVE is most probably the appreciation for the environment. The world faces many environmental problems and as environmental engineers, we can identify the cause and consequences.

What does your daily life as EVE student look like?

As a year 4 EVE student, I spend most of my time in lab working on my Final year Project. It might sound boring however, being at lab is great fun as we get to learn new things every day and try out new experiments! The people at lab are also very helpful and fun to be with and there is never a dull day at lab!

Hannah Eve Botanic GardensWhat is your favourite module?

My favourite module would be the first ever module I took in EVE, ESE2102- Principles and Practice in Infrastructure and Environment. It was memorable because it was the reason why I developed an interest in EVE.
Through this module, we were introduced to air and water pollution. We even had a field trip to botanic gardens to collect water samples!

Industrial Attachment

I interned at Witteveen+Bos South-East Asia Pte. Ltd as an Environmental Engineer. I was given opportunities to be involved in both major and minor projects, such as Ground Vibration Study of the MRT tracks in Singapore and Environmental Site Assessment of Semakau Island. Working on such projects allowed me to visit Semakau Island.

Before Industrial Attachment (IA), I wasn’t so sure about what I wanted to do after I graduate and which sector I would like to join however IA gave me a better idea of what is install for me as an environmental engineer.

Could you share more about your other activities in NUS?

I am always involved in projects hosted by the NUS Malay Language Society. In fact, I was part of the organizing team for a concert called ME{R}DU in 2021 where we provide uprising local artists a platform to showcase their

Any tips for the incoming students?

Even when school gets overwhelming and stressful, remember to prioritize your mental well-being and take a break!


“In NUS Civil Engineering, be ready to strive for the best. With a nurturing environment and rigorous course work, you will be challenged and stretched. But you will also come out ready and confiden to make a positive difference to the Built Environment”

Sing Hui, Year 4 B.Eng.(Civil Engineering) 

Sing Hui (cve) Profile PictureSing Hui, Year 4 B.Eng.(Civil
Alumnus of River Valley High School, 2015

Why Civil Engineering (CVE) at NUS?

Being strong in Math and Physics subjects, I have a natural inclination towards engineering. As someone who likes to build tangible things, I have always been fascinated by the planning, design, and construction of various infrastructures. NUS Civil Engineering has consistently been ranked at the top of the world rankings, and I found this to be the perfect place to improve my engineering skills and hone my critical thinking skills.

What does your daily life as CVE student look like?

As a final year student, most of my course work revolves around my Final Year Project. The main aim of my project is to achieve realistic numerical simulations and replicate wave behaviour using case studies. This project consists of both computer simulations and physical experiments, allowing me to broaden my engineering experience.

What is your favourite module?

My favourite has got to be EG3611 – Industrial Attachment. This module in NUS deepened my theoretical knowledge that provided a strong foundation to develop my engineering expertise. While the classroom setting provided a basic understanding of principles and concepts in real-world projects, my industrial attachment provided an excellent platform for me to gain exposure to industry good practices, and be involved in actual project engineering and planning of construction works.

Industrial Attachment

I was involved in 2 projects undertaken by Santarli Construction Pte Ltd. They were an Infilling project for the first 4 weeks, followed by the construction of Sengkang West Bus Depot for the next 16 weeks. This gave me an opportunity to experience both civil and building work. It has been an extremely fulfilling internship at Santarli, where I was given many opportunities and avenues to explore and learn about the industry.

I have also been offered a job with my Industrial Attachment company, as a project engineer and will be starting my job them upon graduation.

Sing Hui (cve) At SportsAsides from academics, are there any CCA or activities you are part of?

I am an active member in my hostel, Kent Ridge Hall! As part of the Junior Common Room Committee, I help to organize and plan various student activities. I also perform in various culture concerts as a chorister and compete in several sports during the Inter Hall Games

I am also part of the Singapore National Track and Field Team, where I run the 4x100m relay.

Any tips for the incoming students?

The world is your oyster. Be courageous in stepping out of your comfort zone. It is better to try and fail than to not try at all. Failure is where you grow the most, and it brings you from strength to strength.


“Life can sometimes be challenging, but tough times will eventually pass so enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime process”

Kho Jia Hui, Year 2 B.Eng.(Environmental Engineering) 

Jia Hui (eve) Profile Image
Kho Jia Hui, Year 2 B.Eng.(Environmental Engineering)
Alumnus of Anderson-Serangoon Junior College, 2019

Why Environmental Engineering (EVE) at NUS?

Back in secondary school, I had the opportunity to watch an inspirational speech by Severn Cullis-Suzuki at the Rio Summit 1992, which evoked strong feelings and ignited my passion for conserving the environment. During my travels abroad, I have come to appreciate Singapore’s cleanliness, which I have taken for granted in the past, and am fascinated by the many green initiatives abroad. These things motivated me to pursue Environmental Engineering, which was a platform to allow me to make a difference, albeit how little it may be.

What does your daily life as EVE student look like?

My daily life typically starts around 9 or 10 am and ends around 3-5pm depending on the day. We have about 4 school days a week and since our cohort is tightly knitted, I meet my classmates often.

Jia Hui (eve) At LabWhat is your favourite module?

ESE2102 was my favourite module. In this module, I had the opportunity to participate in many hands-on activities such as collecting water samples in the Singapore Botanic Gardens, mapping air pollution via a drone and air quality sampling. These connected my learning to real life applications and made me realise the importance of environmental engineering.

Asides from academics, are there any CCA or activities you are part of?

I am a member of the Environmental Science and Engineering Students’ Club (ESESC). Not only do we plan a fun and engaging activities, but we also organise informative sessions beneficial for our students.

I am also a member of another student interest group, Pickleball. My friends and I officially started this CCA in late 2021 as a form of activity to build community spirit and create awareness of this sport that is not commonly played in Singapore. Initially, we started off with just 15 members now we have more than double the number.

Any tips for the incoming students?

  • Be consistent
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and step out of your comfort zone
  • Learn to utilise any available resources

Experience as many things as you can especially in your first year as it can help you transit into university life easier

“Stay consistent throughout, find a pace that suits you, and just enjoy your time in NUS.”
Amos Goh En Yang, Year 2 B.Eng.(Civil Engineering) 

Amos Goh (cve) Profile Image
Amos Goh En Yang, Year 2 B.Eng.(Civil Engineering)
Alumnus of Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), 2017

Why Civil Engineering (CVE) at NUS?

I’ve always been interested in infrastructures since young, and this interest grew over the years as I interacted more with the built environment. NUS CVE was ranked 2nd during my application, making it the obvious choice.

What does your daily life as CVE student look like?

Besides attending lectures and doing assignments, there’s always time to hangout and chill with friends. There are lab sessions occasionally which are exciting as there’s more hands-on activities.

What is your favourite module?

Too many fun modules to choose from 😊 but if I had to pick one it’d be CE2155. The concrete lab session was fun, and we got to design and build steel beams too. Having the bonus that I finally understood structural mechanics much better after this module.

Asides from academics, are there any CCA or activities you are part of?

I was the Project Director for CESE Camp (our annual Freshman Orientation Programme coordinated by Civil Engineering Student Club and Environmental Science and Engineering Student Club) in 2021. I had to plan and attend the camp with seniors, course mates (from our Environmental Engineering too) and meet the new freshmen. Was definitely a good distraction and breather from academics.

Specialisation in Digitalisation in Urban Infrastructure

DUI (Digitalisation in Urban Infrastructure) involve much more coding than the regular curriculum. We learn how to visualise, analyse and optimise data, and we also learn about the sensors that are being used in Civil Engineering.

Any tips for the incoming students?

Have a good balance between work and fun and make full use of your time in NUS. Don’t be too stressed over academics, you will have professors to support through your journey. It’s always nice to have a group of friends that you can study with and hangout with.

Amos Goh (cve) Class Image

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