NUS Civil Engineering (CE) Club

The NUS Civil Engineering (CE) Club was officially set up in 1997 as a representative student body for all CE undergraduates in National University of Singapore (NUS). CE Club looks specifically into the well-being and interests of the Civil Engineering undergraduates.


Connect 4
Inter-Connect; Inter-Department Connect; Inter-Local Connect; Inter-Global Connect.

Fostering strong ties between the different levels of Civil Engineering students.

Inter-department connect
Working hand-in-hand with Department and other clubs to bring about greater benefits for all Civil Engineering students.

Inter-local connect
To heighten the social awareness of Civil Engineering students about local community and also awareness about the local Civil Engineering industry.

Inter-global connect 
To bring students out of their comfort zone and into other parts of the world in order to give students a global perspective of the Civil Engineering industry and social issues.

In line with our mission, we aim to be the voice that represents the student cohort, putting the interests of the students as our top priority. The goal is to create an inclusive and vibrant student life for students, making their experience in NUS a fruitful one, with plenty to look back at.


To serve all student affairs, welfare and career development interests of Civil Engineering undergraduates.


2021 Ce Club Organizational Chart


CEE DAY is an annual carnival-style event for all Civil and Environmental Engineering students. A day of fun and games, it is guaranteed to have an excellent turn out of students and faculty staff alike.

Cee Day 1 Cee Day 2

CESE CAMP is an annual orientation camp hosted for incoming Civil and Environmental Engineering Students. CESE Camp is likely to be the students’ first direct contact with both the college and the industry, which presents us with a chance to make a lasting impression.

Cese Camp 1 Cese Camp 2.jpg

  • WELFARE PACK giveaway is held during the most grueling weeks of each semester, to boost student morale. This is an excellent opportunity to not only expand our student outreach, but also to show care and support to our budding prospective engineers.
  • CE Notebook Giveaway is held each year, to provide students with a planner which helps to track the students’ timetable. This is a great opportunity to showcase various openings for NUS students.

Nb Wfp 2 Nb Wfp 3

Operation Orion is a student led Overseas Community Involvement Program (OCIP) under the NUS Civil Engineering Club since 2000, and is one of the oldest and most established OCIPs in NUS.The pioneer batch of Operation Orion started at Yangon, Myanmar. Through the next 18 years, we have expanded our scope to encompass various countries, including some beyond Southeast Asia. Not only focusing on our neighbours, Operation Orion also conducts 2 local CIPs per year to apply the knowledge attained to the local community.

Ce Ocip 1

For more information visit our website or contact us at

You may also follow them on Facbook ( and Instagram (