Contact  Us

Name and Designation Email Telephone Number
Course Curriculum
Professor Hu Jiangyong
Programme Director,
BEng(Environmental) 6516 4540
Ms Lim Chi Cheng, Christina
Administrative Staff 6516 4270
Mdm Sarimah
Administrative Staff 6516 4656
Student Exchange Program (SEP), Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) and Independent Work (IW)
Associate Professor Yu Liya E. 6516 6474
Ms Lim Chi Cheng, Christina
Administrative Staff 6516 4270
Mdm Sarimah
Administrative Staff 6516 4656
Industrial Attachment (IA) and Vacation Internship (VIP) Programmes
Dr Chew Soon Hoe 6516 6472
Ms Leong Peggy
Administrative Staff 6516 5831

Frequently Asked Questions  (FAQ)

Q1 What is Environmental Engineering?

Environmental Engineering is a rapidly growing branch of engineering which is concerned with devising, implementing and managing solutions to protect and restore the environment, within an overall framework of sustainable development. Environmental problems are complex and multifaceted. As a result, Environmental Engineering is a highly interdisciplinary endeavour.

Q2 Why should I pursue a career in Environmental Engineering?

Environmental Engineers save the planet and do much more — we are also the profession charged with protecting the public health. Environmental Engineering is an exciting profession for people who want to make significant contributions to sustainable development of society. It requires a strong understanding in all the major sciences (micro-macro biology, chemistry, and physics), mathematics, data analysis, engineering sciences, health sciences, energy resources, climate change science, circular economy and communication skills. As this discipline addresses growing concerns about environmental sustainability and public health-related issues, the job market potential is expected to grow locally and internationally.

Q3 How can I get more information about the Environmental Engineering programme?

For more info, please visit our programme overview.

Hear from Dr Olivier Lefebvre on the admission criteria for Environmental Engineering

To learn more on our admission criteria, visit our website here.

Q1 Why should I choose NUS to pursue an Environmental Engineering degree?

NUS is an international leader in Environmental Engineering education and recognised as a premier programme. The B.Eng. (Environmental Engineering) degree is fully accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB) of Singapore and thus meets the standards of mutual recognition agreements entered into by EAB, including the Washington Accord with signatories of those from Australia, Canada, Hong Kong China, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United States.

In addition, NUS Environmental Science subject has been ranked as in top 10 subject by QS World University ranking 2019 and Top 1 in Asian University.

Q2 What do students learn in Environmental Engineering at NUS?

The Environmental Engineering programme at NUS is designed to provide students with a broadly based yet rigorous education in the fundamental subjects central to the field and the problem-solving skills required to solve current environmental problems and address future challenges in the protection of the environment.

More information on the modules, please click here.

Hear from Prof Hu Jiangyong to understand the curriculum and how it will develop you as an all-rounder Environmental Engineer.


Q3 What generic skills do students gain from research and design projects?

Students enrolled in the Environmental Engineering programme would obtain an ability to apply field and laboratory techniques to assess, monitor and improve environmental systems.

Q4 What research facilities are available in Environmental Engineering?

Students enrolled in Environmental Engineering programme would have access to a range of research facilities to engage in cutting-edge research and development of new technologies to address environmental challenges. We have modern facilities, including bench-scale & pilot set-up, along with state-of-the-art laboratories for water treatment and reuse, waste management, air pollution assessment and control, coastal pollution monitoring and management and alternative energy/resources as well as climate change mitigation.

Q5 Are there any opportunities for me to learn beyond classroom?

A huge YES!! There are plenty of opportunities to apply the knowledge learnt in the classroom in real life.

Watch how Dr Bae Sung Woo lead students to conduct overseas sustainability project (through ESE 3011 module).


Here are some quotes from students who participated in the overseas sustainability project:

“In this hands-on module of ESE3011, we got to put our textbook knowledge of wastewater treatment into practical usage. Going through iterative processes of research, calculations and feasibility testing of our intended solutions really gave me a glimpse of how the intensive work behind an engineering operation or solutions is like.”

– Clarette Teo Pei Ru, EVE Year 3

“The module is unique in the way that it allowed us to develop environmental sustainable solutions for a rural village in Bintan with regards to wastewater treatment. It is a learning process where we would take away several important lessons to apply as future engineers. It was a fruitful and enriching experience.”

– Tai Lin Yuan, EVE Year 3

Q1 What employment opportunities are available for Environmental Engineering graduates?

Environmental Engineering is a challenging and rewarding profession. Environmental problems receive increased attention in many countries and industries due to implementation of more stringent regulatory standards in recent years. Environmental Engineers often work as part of a larger multi-disciplinary team in industries/consulting firms/statutory boards/research institutes to find technological as well as cost-effective solutions to a wide range of environmental problems.

You may also start up your own company to address the pressing environmental issues locally and globally. Hear from our alumni who have established themselves as entrepreneurs.

Q2 What is the demand for Environmental Engineers?

Rest assured that there are lots of jobs for students studying Environmental Engineering. We tell prospective students who inquire about this issue that they need to ask themselves whether they believe the global community will continue to demand a clean & green environment. In addition, the reality of population pressures and neglect of our infrastructure the past few decades have created many employment opportunities.

Both developing and developed countries will need many well-educated Environmental Engineers to respond to the public’s demand for cleaner air, water, and land and also for alternative energy and resources. We will prepare you for this contribution to sustainable society and the environment.

Hear from Prof Rajasekhar Balasubramanian who talked about the career prospects for Environmental Engineers.


Q3 Why do employers prefer to hire Environmental Engineering graduates from NUS?

NUS graduates have not only a strong technical education, but also demonstrated leadership, innovation, written and oral communication skills, and the ability to work in teams. We provide a variety of opportunities for students to acquire these important skills both in and out of the classroom. Our industrial partners often comment favorably on the strong technical background of our graduates, their interdisciplinary approach to solving problems, and also their wide range of non-technical skills.


Definitely NOT! All work and no play makes NUS CEE students dull! There are many ways to get yourself involved in student life, and you will find yourself enriched with the wide array of activities available:

Watch our students in action!


Join the Environmental Science and Engineering Students’ Club (ESESC): The club acts as a bridge between the faculty, administration, as well as the Environmental Engineering Student Body. We regularly organize events, like CEE Day, student cohesion events, and welfare pack giveaways, as well as organize competitions for the student body. The club also serves as a feedback channel for students to faculty. If you think you have leadership potential, this is the perfect opportunity to contribute by getting involved in decision-making concerning student affairs. So do check us out!

Contribute back to Society: If you have a passion for giving back to society, you can consider participating in Project OceaNUS, one of the oldest and most established Overseas Community Involvement Projects (OCIP) in NUS. In 2018, Project OceaNUS won a Student Life Awards by working with WateROAM filters to facilitate accessibility to clean water in Chhnok Tru village in Cambodia. Project OceaNUS also kickstarted a small-scaled micro-entrepreneurship to sell cheap, potable water to the villagers. Workshops are also conducted to spread the awareness of proper water, sanitation and hygiene habits to the local students. Check our video to find out more!

Alumni Talks: The department regularly invite alumni of past batches to come back and share their insights, experience and ideas with current students. Want to know about job prospects in the industry? Want to know the latest technologies are disrupting the industry? Then this is the best opportunity to talk to our alumni.

Hear from our alumni Kenneth Tay, Class of 2019 and Wong Xin Huei, Class of 2018 on the educational experience at NUS and the career prospects available upon graduation for Environmental Engineering students.



There are ample overseas learning opportunities for Environmental Engineering students. Environmental Engineering students may spend some time in an overseas university or college, under a programme called Student Exchange Programme (SEP). These stints are excellent opportunities for students to develop as a mature adult, potential employees, and culture-savvy engineers. Common destinations include top universities in USA, Finland, Japan, etc.

Typically students will leave for SEP in their 3rd year, 1st semester. Selection of preferred destinations is based on Cumulative Average Points (CAP), as well as acing interviews with your academic mentors. An invitation will be sent out by the Faculty in October each year to eligible students.

There are also other popular overseas learning programmes like the NUS Overseas College (NOC) Programme, Summer & Winter Programmes.

Please email for further enquiries.


We are a close knit community. And the people you meet in NUS CEE will continue to be your peer support group long after you graduate. Start making these bonds of friendship by joining the CE – ESE Clubs’ Freshman Orientation Camp (CESE Camp).

Another tip: Try not to skip lectures, and attend labs and tutorials as much as possible. Our curriculum is extremely hands-on, and learning through group projects is a must. Don’t be surprised your group mates will become some of your best friends during the course.