Learning Experience

ESE3011 Integrated Project for Environmental Sustainability


In this hands-on course, students develop sustainable solutions for a rural village. Going through iterative processes of research, calculations and feasibility testing of their intended solutions gives them a glimpse of the reality of engineering operation.

Tai Lin Yuan and Clarette Teo, EVE Class of 2020
We got to put our textbook knowledge of wastewater treatment into practical usage.

ESE2102 Principles & Practice in Environmental Monitoring

In this course, Year 1 students team up as consultancy firms to solve real life problems (for example, monitor water quality in the Singapore Botanic Gardens or map air pollution by drone sensing). Practice environmental engineering outside the classroom!

ESE2001 Environmental Process

Learn about game design and environmental science at the same time by making your own expansion for the critically acclaimed board game “Terraforming Mars”. Are you game?

Examples of students’ creations:

Terraforming Mars Exodus – Help! The humans have left our ravaged plant to make new settlements but it’s starting all over again. Will you prevent Mars from becoming a giant garbage patch again?

Terraforming Mars Sorensen – adds the effect of soil pH to the game. Many will start fast, few will pH.inish strong!.

Terraforming Mars Ages – Roll the dice to see which Age comes into effect each generation. Each age triggers special events that may benefit or harm your settlements!

ESE4501 Design Project

In this exciting half year project period, students group and work as a consulting company under the guidance of experienced environmental consultants on various air, water and waste pollution topics.