Student Life

Environmental Science and Engineering Students’ Club (ESESC) was officially established in 2008 as a representative student body for all EVE students at CEE.  ESESC bridges the students and the Department to foster a deep sense of unity. We aim to instil a sense of belonging in the EVE community, where every student matters.

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Noteworthy activities carried out by ESESC include:
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CESE (Civil and Environmental Science Engineering) Camp

A 4D3N Freshmen Orientation Camp held annually in mid-July to introduce the freshmen to the NUS campus in a fun and memorable way.

Exam welfare pack

Afraid of the stress University life will bring? Well fret not! Here is a little support in your study journey to boost your morale. This includes food items such as Acai and Bubble Tea because we all know a small snack can go a long way in lifting spirits up!

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Here at ESESC we believe in a holistic student life. Not only do we challenge ourselves mentally by mugging hard but we also challenge ourselves physically! Plus, who doesn’t enjoy bonding with friends over fun activities?

Project OceaNUS

A student-led overseas initiative with the vision to improve the living environment of the world – with a focus on ASEAN countries – in a sustainable manner. Do you want to bring meaning to your time at NUS? Come and be part of the legacy of Project OceaNUS!

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