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CFI Singapore’s core and applied research is categorised into two horizontal domain areas (H1 and H2) and two vertical domain areas (V1 and V2). H1 aims to inform the design of future-proof coastal structures by developing reliable design parameters that anticipate the impacts of climate change on coastal and rainfall processes; while H2 focuses on harnessing big data and machine-learning models to improve predictive systems for coastal and inland water events, enhancing accuracy of weather forecasts and bolstering early-warning systems for emergency response.

Meanwhile, V1 focuses on developing novel coastal defence structures, emphasising adaptive, multi-functional and modular designs that integrate into existing infrastructure. This domain area aims to enhance resilience, minimise land use and establish new local design standards tailored to specific coastal dynamics and flood risks. V2 leverages nature-based approaches to create robust, resilient hybrid solutions for coastal protection, which involves developing guidelines so they can be implemented, maintained and monitored over the long term.

CFI Singapore will also assist PUB in proposing research focus and topics for applied research grant calls.

The following set of nine research projects in the first tranche commenced in the second half of 2023.