Climate change is driving more extreme weather with more intense rainfall. As an island, Singapore is particularly vulnerable to sea level rise, due to its geographical location and low-lying land area — about 30% of land surface is less than five metres above mean sea level. Without a robust coastal protection system in place, severe flooding events could bring about devastating consequences, affecting essential services and critical infrastructure.

To strengthen Singapore’s resilience, CFI Singapore was launched by the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment Ms Grace Fu on 7 September 2023. It is the first Centre of Excellence in the city-state dedicated to strengthening local capabilities and expertise in coastal protection and flood management research and solution development.

Hosted at NUS, CFI Singapore is a key pillar under PUB’s S$125 million Coastal Protection Research Programme (CPRP). The institute brings together local universities, research institutes and industry partners to carry out research projects advancing core domain knowledge and develop innovative solutions for coastal protection and flood management.

The four partner institutes of CFI Singapore are: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research.​​​

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