
Dear students, alumni, colleagues, and partners of CDE,

On 23 February, the A-level results were announced, revealing record-breaking pass rates for this year's cohort of students. Now, they are considering their options for the future, and we are excited to invite these prospective students to learn more about what CDE has to offer.

Our e-OpenHouse on 3 March and the NUS Campus Experience on 9 March at UTown will allow them to explore the vast opportunities that await them at CDE.

We have many exciting developments to share with them, including the launch of the minor and second major in Computing (Design and Engineering) open to all CDE majors except Computer Engineering. This will provide our students with a top-notch education in their chosen field of study while also allowing them to develop their computing skills, making them more appealing in today's dynamic job market.

We have launched the Design Scholars (D-Scholars) programme for Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Industrial Design students. This premier programme will support talented students with financial and academic assistance throughout their education at CDE. It is designed to complement our Engineering Scholars (E-Scholars) programme.

With over 30 specialisations, including robotics, biomedical materials, and digitalisation in urban infrastructure, and over 4,000 electives available across NUS, our students can design their learning journey, explore new areas, and fully develop their interests, all while securing their future.

As the College bustles with activity during this Admissions period, our CDE students, faculty, and staff eagerly anticipate the opportunity to share the very best of what CDE has to offer with our prospective students. A warm welcome awaits them!

Professor Teo Kie Leong
Acting Dean
College of Design and Engineering




Woh Hup Distinguished Lecture: Metaconcrete and Metapanel Structure to Resist Impulsive Loads

CDE Freshman Welcome 2024

Woh Hup Distinguished Lecture: Smart and Connected Construction through Sensing and Robotics

Woh Hup Distinguished Lecture: Towards Carbon-neutrality in Construction: Innovating Sustainable Concrete Materials and Technologies

AkiVAL 2024

Feel free to download the digital booklet for the exhibition here. Formerly known as CityEx, AkiVAL 2024 is a celebration of the achievements of students in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Masterā€™s Programmes from the past academic year. Organised by a committee of students from the DoA and TAS, this exhibition showcases the milestones and creative […]


Issue 01 2024
Issue 12 2023
Issue 11 2023
Issue 10 2023
Issue 09 2023
Issue 08 2023
Issue 07 2023
Issue 06 2023
Issue 05 2023
Issue 04 2023
Issue 03 2023
Issue 02 2023