Past events

NUS Open House 2023

NUS Open House 2023 saw a strong showing by visitors eager to learn about the University's academic programmes, as it returned in hybrid format from 25 February to 6 March. Some 7.71 million visitors attended the physical and online showcase, which involved 3,071 faculty and staff, students, and alums. CDE's programmes and units went out to engage students online and offline, offering various activities. Highlights included:

iDP and ECE Joint Outreach Lab Tour

iDP students shared how they work together in interdisciplinary teams to solve diverse problems and develop prototypes. Four innovative projects were on this showcase:

Showcase of Design Prototypes and Tour of the Design Incubation Centre

Student projects with prototypes were exhibited to showcase the variety of design projects and showcase DID's curriculum. Activities included a visit to the Design Incubation Centre where the latest incubation projects were presented to the audience.

Transforming Business with Design and Storytelling
This month’s CDE Industry Talk featured SalesGlobe’s Mark Donnolo, founder and CEO and Michelle Seger, Sales Organisational Change Expert. Moderated by Associate Professor R Brian Stone from the Division of Industrial Design, the speakers shared their perspectives on the impact that design has on business. The talk illuminated points on the intersection of design, storytelling, and business transformation. Included were several examples from industry as well as personal anecdotes from Mark’s 30+ years of experience. The discussion focused on the importance of identifying customer needs, focusing on cash flow, and a basic structure for storytelling. Mark and Michelle also provided advice to budding entrepreneurs for starting and scaling a business.

Upcoming events

iDP Project Showcase 2023

The NUS Innovation & Design Programme (iDP) is a multidisciplinary programme hosted by the College of Design and Engineering that aims to train graduates with an entrepreneurial mindset who understand innovation and are able to apply their knowledge and skills to solve problems or design new products, services, and experiences. In the iDP, students from different disciplines learn various tools and processes for ideation and design by working together on multiple hands-on projects. Those who are keen on entrepreneurship are encouraged to further develop their projects for commercialisation. Find out more about our final year students’ projects at this event, hear the project pitches by our student start-up teams, see live demonstrations of their prototypes, and vote for your favourite projects!

You may register for the event via this link. For any enquiries, you may reach out to

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Taiwan International Student Design Competition 2023 Briefing Session

The annual Taiwan International Student Design Competition (TISDC) organisers will conduct a briefing session about the competition and its registration procedure and reveal the annual theme. Organised by Taiwan's Ministry of Education, TISDC is the largest international student design competition that aims to nurture young international talents in the fields of arts and design. The competition is open to all students participating with no registration fee. Winners will be awarded prize money and a certificate. It will be an excellent opportunity for students and professors to attend this briefing session to learn more about the competition and have your questions answered directly by the TISDC organisers.

Event details:  

Date: Friday 14 April 2023
Time: 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm
Venue: SDE4 Forum, Level 5 

Register here by 7 April 2023: 

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