AMP Mid Prog Poster (800 × 600 px)

Alumni mentorship mid-programme and dinner meet-up

The CDE Alumni Mentorship Programme is an important initiative to establish a strong and dynamic relationship between alumni and the student community. Batch 10 of the programme held their mid-programme dinner meet-up on 28 Feb 2024. Associate Professor Teo Chiang Juay, Assistant Dean of CDE Alumni Relations, welcomed guests with an address emphasising the importance of connections and shared experiences in the mentorship community. He expressed his gratitude to both mentors and mentees for their commitment to the mentorship programme and the contribution that each individual brings to the community.

The evening continued with an engaging introductory session, during which mentees and mentors bonded by sharing insights and participating in an icebreaker activity. Attendees engaged in lively conversations and meaningful interactions as mentors and mentees networked within their respective groups.

As the event drew to a close, attendees reflected on the enriching experiences they shared throughout the evening and left with a sense of satisfaction, knowing they had strengthened their connections and expanded their network within the mentorship community.

To learn more about the Alumni Mentorship programme, please visit

Alumni mentorship mid-programme and dinner meet-up

AMP Mid Prog Poster (800 × 600 px)

The CDE Alumni Mentorship Programme is an important initiative to establish a strong and dynamic relationship between alumni and the student community. Batch 10 of the programme held their mid-programme dinner meet-up on 28 Feb 2024. Associate Professor Teo Chiang Juay, Assistant Dean of CDE Alumni Relations, welcomed guests with an address emphasising the importance of connections and shared experiences in the mentorship community. He expressed his gratitude to both mentors and mentees for their commitment to the mentorship programme and the contribution that each individual brings to the community.

The evening continued with an engaging introductory session, during which mentees and mentors bonded by sharing insights and participating in an icebreaker activity. Attendees engaged in lively conversations and meaningful interactions as mentors and mentees networked within their respective groups.

As the event drew to a close, attendees reflected on the enriching experiences they shared throughout the evening and left with a sense of satisfaction, knowing they had strengthened their connections and expanded their network within the mentorship community.

To learn more about the Alumni Mentorship programme, please visit

(From left) Dr Viveka Kalidasan and Dr Xue Lishan Agnes
(From left) Dr Viveka Kalidasan and Dr Xue Lishan Agnes
(From left) Ms Anthea Foong, Dr Viveka Kalidasan and Ms Ovidia Lim-Rajaram
(From left) Ms Anthea Foong, Dr Viveka Kalidasan and Ms Ovidia Lim-Rajaram

President’s dialogue lunch with alumni

On 14 March 2024, the Office of Alumni NUS and NUS CDE Alumni Relations held a gathering of alumni and key NUS leaders. Representing the NUS President, NUS Deputy President (Academic Affairs) and Provost Professor Aaron Voon-Yew Thean met with six CDE Alumni Award winners. CDE Acting Dean Professor Teo Kie Leong, CDE Assistant Dean (Alumni Relations) Associate Professor Teo Chiang Juay, and NUS Chief Alumni Officer Ms Ovidia Lim-Rajaram were also present.

Ms Anthea Foong was from the Class of 2021 and pursued a double major in Biomedical Engineering and the Innovation and Design Programme (iDP). She shared about striking a work-life balance as a national fencer and the co-founder of InteractAI, a health tech start-up specialising in virtual assistants powered by generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Ms. Foong also participates as a technology partner for The Teaching Enhancement Grants (TEG) for CDE and medical school projects. She says she was inspired to “see our collective commitment to progress and collaboration.”

Dr Viveka Kalidasan (Doctor of Philosophy, Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2016) was another notable alumna attendee. She is the founder and CEO of The Edify Project, which fosters innovation and entrepreneurship through ventures. Her passion for empowerment and education extends to her roles as an Alumni Mentor and Women in Business Mentor at NUS, where she runs workshops to bring more women into the Industry 4.0 and 5.0 spaces.

Dr Agnes Xue was the first Industrial Designer in Singapore to be awarded the NUS Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) qualification in 2010. Now, she is an Associate Professor at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and heads the Design Factory, which offers interdisciplinary learning opportunities for students with industry partners. Dr Xue has served as a guest lecturer for NUS Industrial Design (NUS DID) design platforms, sharing her insights on design education and business models to help students better frame their projects practically.

Thank you to our alumni who go above and beyond to give back to the CDE community!

(From left) Dr Viveka Kalidasan and Dr Xue Lishan Agnes
(From left) Dr Viveka Kalidasan and Dr Xue Lishan Agnes
(From left) Ms Anthea Foong, Dr Viveka Kalidasan and Ms Ovidia Lim-Rajaram
(From left) Ms Anthea Foong, Dr Viveka Kalidasan and Ms Ovidia Lim-Rajaram

MArch Alum wins at Archiprix International Competition

The thesis of alum Toby Fong (MArch, 2021), titled 'Wild [Life] Nomad Bootcamp: A Back-to-Basics Bootcamp for the Age of the Amateur,' was one of six winners of the 11th edition of the Archiprix International Competition, out of a total of 359 submitted graduation projects.

Archiprix International presents the best graduation projects selected by all universities worldwide in the fields of architecture, urban design and/or landscape architecture. This graduation work presents a wealth of ideas for a broad range of contemporary and future challenges.

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, ‘Wild [life] nomad bootcamp’ offers a solution for import-dependent Singapore. Toby's thesis proposes a Back-to-Basics Bootcamp, an intermediary between the north-west and the city.

Read more at:


BME Alum recognised in Asian Women Tech Leaders Award


Alum Dr Mabel Yen (Biomedical Engineering, Class 2013, PhD 2019) was named in the inaugural list of the Asia Women Tech Leaders Award. The award recognises 50 accomplished women technologists working and based in Asia. It is focussed on inspiring women who make the tech happen; they are deep into the research and development of emerging and nascent technologies and tasked with managing and operationalising tech projects.

Dr Mabel Yen Ngoc Nguyen, Co-Founder and CEO of EloCare, is making a significant contribution to the medical industry through technology. Her ability to employ both experimental and computational tools to navigate complex realms makes her a pivotal figure in the integration of technology and medicine.

Inspired by her father, a hobby inventor who involved her in fascinating little household creative projects since she was young, Mabel later embarked on a journey of pushing technological innovation in the healthcare industry, with a special focus on underserved populations. Her IoT healthcare projects range from creating a smarter pill dispenser for the elderly population with multiple chronic conditions, to developing a wristband specifically designed for midlife women to track and manage their menopausal symptoms better, thus improving women’s health worldwide. Mabel is committed to creating solutions for prevailing gaps in the healthcare system, particularly for women, serving as a catalyst for change. In recognition of her contributions, she was awarded the 2021 Singapore 100 Women in Tech award – a testament to her impactful career and professional endeavours. In addition to her contributions to women’s health, Mabel seeks to be remembered as an empathetic and inspirational leader who laid the foundation for gender diversity in an industry traditionally dominated by males, supporting women who may face resistance in the pursuit of their dreams.