Student Wellness Workshops: Music Box-Making

On 25 and 26 March 2024, the CDE Office of Student Life held three musical box-making workshops at To-gather, located at Level 3 of TechnoEdge, as part of a series of workshops to promote student wellness. A total of 60 students attended the workshops, eager to build their own piece of musical art. The session began with a quick quiz on the history of musical boxes and an in-depth explanation of how they work.

Students then had the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of cute figurines to adorn their music boxes. These ranged from hand-painted natural elements, to popular characters like Totoro from Studio Ghibli. The students spent the rest of the session assembling and decorating their musical box to their hearts’ content.

Wen Da, a Year 2 Mechanical Engineering student was one of the many participants. He shared, “The musical boxes in Japan are usually quite expensive, so I was eager to join this workshop. It was a chill activity that was a good distraction from the upcoming exams!”

Stay tuned for more of such workshops organised by OSL!

ECE PhD student awarded the Innovative Application of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) Deployed Application Award


PhD student Mr Lui Sheng Jie, supervised by Associate Professor Xiang Cheng was awarded the Innovative Application of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) Deployed Application award by the Association for Advanced Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) on 24 February 2024.

The award was merited by the paper’s advanced machine learning strategy to discern the relationship between Underwriting (UW) exclusions in health insurance policies and the diagnostic details of subsequent claims, denoted by ICD-10CM medical codes. Central to this research is the KAMEL framework, which adeptly combines both implicit and explicit domain knowledge from pre-trained language models and medical ontologies.

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