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The Office of Student Life held a Paint-Your-Own-Totebag workshop on 24 March 2023 at CDE To-Gather, TechnoEdge Level 3. Close to 30 CDE student participants unleashed their creativity and enthusiasm as they worked on their designs. By the end of the workshop, everyone had a beautiful and functional totebag to take home. The totebag painting workshop was held as part of the Wellness Workshop Series (Artie), promoting students to foster self-care and mental well-being through taking part in artistic activities.

The Office of Student Life, in collaboration with NUS Bakers & Cooks, organised an exclusive Healthy Eating Workshop for CDE students to learn how to make Gnocchi in two sessions held on 31 March 2023 at the BUZZy Kitchen @ To-Gather, TechnoEdge Level 3. The trainers from NUS Bakers & Cooks guided the CDE student participants through the process of making delicious homemade gnocchi from scratch. From selecting the right potatoes to shaping the dough, attendees left with the skills and confidence to create their own gnocchi at home. As remarked by Graduate students Janani and Spoorthi, "making healthy homemade food is easier than I thought. I’ll probably try this at home!”

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PhD Student Mr Shayok Ghosh supervised by Professor Hu Jiangyong received the oral presentation award in the Virtual Graduate Students Symposium in Asia-Pacific Region on Current Environmental Issues at ACS Spring, March 2023. The presented paper was entitled: “Investigation on efficiencies of UV LED to inactivate ampicillin resistant E.Coli: kinetics, reactivations, and energy requirements”.

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Bryan Cheung, final year Electrical Engineering student, never expected to achieve his dream of attending university with his PSLE score of 91. Bryan recalls “I realised that I should put in more effort. I burned the midnight oil to re-watch the lectures and do some searches on Google while trying to understand what my prof was saying.” Featured on Mothership, read more about Bryan's inspiring education journey from Normal Technical stream to ITE College Central to Temasek Polytechnic and to Electrical Engineering at:

PhD Student Mr Shayok Ghosh supervised by Professor Hu Jiangyong received the oral presentation award in the Virtual Graduate Students Symposium in Asia-Pacific Region on Current Environmental Issues at ACS Spring, March 2023. The presented paper was entitled: “Investigation on efficiencies of UV LED to inactivate ampicillin resistant E.Coli: kinetics, reactivations, and energy requirements”.

Issue 04 2023
Issue 04 2023

The NUS FSAE team is currently putting their new R23e electric race car through its paces and getting it ready for the upcoming Michigan FSAE competition in June 2023. This impressive vehicle boasts 110 horsepower and has a weight of 228 kg, allowing for a remarkable power-to-weight ratio. With a 0-100 km/h acceleration time of just 3.9 seconds, the R23e is a strong competitor in the upcoming event. In addition, the car is equipped with regenerative braking technology to optimize efficiency and an improved electrical system to enhance reliability and performance. To further improve the car's performance, the aerodynamics have been tweaked as well.

Issue 04 2023
Issue 04 2023

AeroNUS achieved a commendable ranking of 38th place out of 110 competing international teams. The team would like to express their thanks to all those who have supported them including Dr Jonathan Tay for his constant supervision and advice, T-Labs for giving them a comfy place to work in, Associate Professor Teo Chiang Juay for his tireless efforts in advocating for increased financial support have been instrumental in enabling them to achieve their goals.