Representatives from Marvell Asia and CDE at the cheque presentation marking the donation.

Marvell Asia Pte Ltd donated $200,000 to fund pioneering microelectronics research at the Singapore Hybrid-Integrated Next-Generation μ-Electronics (SHINE) Centre. The company's gift to SHINE was spearheaded by Dr Radha Nagarajan, Marvell's Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Optical and Copper Connectivity Group. The gift will support individuals looking to acquire advanced skills to drive innovation and create new opportunities for growth in the semiconductor industry. Dr Nagarajan is an alumnus of NUS Electrical Engineering and was recently appointed as a visiting professor at NUS.

The presentation of the Wong Yui Cheong Research in Construction Project Management Scholarship to National University of Singapore (NUS) for the establishment of the YC Wong-IES Research in Construction Project Management Fund, gifted by Er. Wong Yui Cheong (pictured in front). [Photo credit: MND]

The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) has gifted $300,000 to the NUS College of Design and Engineering to fund advanced research in construction project management, in particular in the areas of safety, quality and sustainability. The formal presentation of the gift took place on May 25 at the annual Charles Rudd Distinguished Public Lectures, co-organised by IES, Singapore Polytechnic (SP), and the World Federation of Engineering Organisations and held at the SP Convention Centre. The gift will be used to establish the YC Wong‐IES Research in Construction Project Management Fund.

The presentation of the Wong Yui Cheong Research in Construction Project Management Scholarship to National University of Singapore (NUS) for the establishment of the YC Wong-IES Research in Construction Project Management Fund, gifted by Er. Wong Yui Cheong (pictured in front). [Photo credit: MND]