nus cities

NUS Cities, an interdisciplinary centre based in the College of Design and Engineering (CDE) at National University of Singapore (NUS), has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Urban Land Institute (ULI) Asia Pacific to promote joint research and education activities in the areas of urban planning, management of cities and net-zero buildings.

nus cities
Asst Prof Cheow Lih Feng (right), Dr Wu Tongjin (left) and their team developed an innovative technique to facilitate the studying of immune cell response at a single-cell level.

Cells interact with their surrounding environment by secreting proteins which act as messengers or signals for communicating with other cells. Capturing these elusive and minute proteins, particularly those from our immune cells, and correlating them to the individual source cells can provide important insights into immune responses in patients with chronic and infectious diseases. For patients with cancer, autoimmune disorders, or infectious diseases, such insights can help accelerate the development of immunotherapies. However, studying how unhealthy or healthy cells communicate, interact and coordinate with each other in response to stimuli or pathogens, remains a challenge. To help fill the gap in correlating cell functions with their secreted proteins, a team of researchers led by Assistant Professor Cheow Lih Feng from the Department of Biomedical Engineering at CDE, as well as the NUS Institute for Health Innovation & Technology, has invented a new technique to facilitate the studying of immune cell response at a single-cell level.

Congratulations to our colleagues on winning the following major grant awards (total project value >$1M) with project start date in June 2023.Ā 

Project Title: Synthetic Aperture Radar Observation System (SAROS)
Funding Programme: Office For Space Technology and Industry (OSTIN) - Space Technology Development Programme Grant - 2022 (NRF)

Principal Investigator: Koenraad Mouthaan
Hosting Unit: Electrical and Computer Engineering Department