Dr Guo Yang
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 

Dr Guo Yang joined the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering as an Assistant Professor under the NUS Presidential Young Professorship programme. Before joining NUS, he was a Schmidt Science Fellow (postdoctoral) and then an Associate Research Scholar at Princeton University. He obtained his B.S. (2014) and Ph.D. (2019) from Tsinghua University. His research explores the opportunities for eco-industrial development and sustainable infrastructure systems. Yang is interested in utilising synergy perspectives to provide policy implications for industrial sector decarbonisation.

Dr Aleksandar Kostadinov
Lecturer, Engineering Design and Innovation Centre, Dean's Office 

Dr Aleksandar Kostadinov earned his PhD in Industrial Design from NUS, focusing on additive manufacturing and robots powered by soft actuators. As a research fellow at the Evolution Innovation Lab and later at the NUS Regenerative Agritech Centre, he used his expertise to develop robotic solutions and automation for urban indoor farming. His research and teaching approach is fuelled by a strong interest in the connections between Art, Design, Engineering, and Science.

Dr Cai Shaoyu
Lecturer, Engineering Design and Innovation Centre, Dean's Office 

Before joining NUS, Dr Cai earned his PhD from the School of Creative Media at the City University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR). Dr Cai’s work mainly leverages haptic modelling and rendering techniques to simulate tactile material properties, such as roughness, friction, and temperature, to provide an immersive experience in VR/AR. He has published in HCI and VR/AR publications such as Nature Electronics, IEEE VR, and IEEE ISMAR.

Mr Matthew Soon Meng Chew
Teaching Assistant, Division of Industrial Design 

Matthew works closely with the Design Thinking programme team in facilitating the Design Thinking workshops.

Ms Chew Lay Har
Manager, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Lay Har is an alumna of the NUS BTech programme. Before her current post, she was a Manager at the National Institute of Education, where her portfolio included handling admissions of graduate programmes and various initial teacher preparation programmes. She assumes her role overseeing Master of Science programmes in the department.

Ms Mya Sanda Win
Management Assistant Officer, Department of Biomedical Engineering 

Mya Sanda Win joined the Department of Biomedical Engineering to provide support in Outreach and Alumni matters. She also assists in the administration of the MSc programmes.


Associate Professor Erik Gerard L'Heureux, Department of Architecture, was re-appointed as Dean’s Chair with effect from 15 May 2024.

Professor Dean Ho, Department of Biomedical Engineering, was re-appointed as Provost’s Chair with effect from 1 January 2024.

Associate Professor Shao Huilin, Department of Biomedical Engineering, was appointed as Dean's Chair with effect from 1 January 2024.

Associate Professor Yeow Chen Hua, Department of Biomedical Engineering, was appointed as Dean's Chair with effect from 1 January 2024.

Associate Professor Pang Sze Dai, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, was appointed as Dean's Chair with effect from 1 January 2024.

Associate Professor Tan Yan Han, Hans, Division of Industrial Design, was appointed as Dean's Chair with effect from 1 January 2024.

Professor Dipti Srinivasan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was appointed as Provost’s Chair with effect from 1 January 2024

Professor Ho Ghim Wei, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was appointed as Provost’s Chair with effect from 1 January 2024


We congratulate the following colleagues on their promotion!

Name Department Promotion to
Soh Siow Ling Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Associate Professor with tenure effective 1 January 2024
Yan Ning Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Full Professor effective 1 January 2024
Clayton Carl Miller Department of the Built Environment Associate Professor with tenure effective 1 January 2024



The following colleagues have their last day of service on 31 December 2023. We thank them for their contributions and wish them all the best!

  • Professor Hang Chang Chieh, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
  • Ms Yeo Suat Kee, Office of Research and Innovation, Dean's Office.