23 May 2014, 1830 - 2100 hrs

24 - 25 May 2014, 1030 - 2100 hrs

The Plaza, National Library of Singapore

Kiera Lin

"Being inquisitive by nature, I believe that design starts by asking the right questions. And I feel some of these questions can be answered through exploring theories, analyzing human behaviors, connecting dots and looking at the world with a different perspective. With a wide range of interest, I am always keen in trying new things and methods. Do also pop by my personal website to know more of what I do."

[ portfolio | flickr | mail ]

i ❤
communication design
analogue photography
design research
earth tones
exploring & experimenting

Designed by Kiera:    

Rethinking Communication in the Digital Age

Communication today is constantly disrupted by ubiquitous mobile notifications. As a result, human beings are so numb by such invasive technology that they do not feel anymore.

The artefact is a satirical take to comment about the mass’s lack of consciousness and etiquette from transcending between the virtual and physical realm. With the idea of receiving tangible mobile notifications under the disguise of a wearable piece, making receiving pervasive information visible to both the recipient as well as the people engaging with in any environment.

Communication and social interaction are constantly sculpted by new technologies we embrace. Resulting in world where everyone is connected but still feel lonely.

Because people will not take action until their status quo is being threaten, this artefact dispense social media notifications through printed statements which will project the user's personality and digital etiquette real-time.

Deliberately made wearable/portable to remind users that at the expense of embracing new technological trends, are we ready to expose ourselves to new problems- bringing disruptions on-the-go in the future.

Ultimately, to bring awareness to the state of numbness to digital distractions we are experiencing and adapting at this information age.

Hidie Hut

Hidie Hut is a play tent that provides the experience of walking into a life-size story spread, featuring a scenographic pop-out space for them to hide and dwell. Its simple construction and assembly reduces the barrier to self-discovery and independent learning by enabling children to set it up easily on any desired wall space.

Designed with Wang Ying Hsuan

Play tent when hung on walls.

Minimal constructions to encourage hands on skills and self exploration for kids

Heavy graphical approach can induce imaginative story telling amongst the kids through interactions

Redesigning Receipt

A commentary on the phenomenon of disposable information in today’s throwaway culture, receipts are an inherent ephemeral source of information. By Redesigning receipts the short-lived usefulness of the information is amplified enabling users to benefit from the clarity of information.

Designed with Lim Zhi Ying

Information at a glance.

Basic essential information and useful information are prioritise and arranged accordingly.

Comparing with existing receipts.

Joss Offerings

A disposable kit which allows for environmentally clean transportation of food and offerings, enabling efficient clean up after the entire ritual. As such, tackling the environmental responsibility of future youths in contemporary Singapore where time and ecological issues are prominent.

Designed with Nora Fong

Hungry ghost festival is a traditional festival practised by most the Chinese communities. It is a common sight in Singapore during the 7th month. (Photo credit:

The rituals often involves burning of joss sticks and paper offering which results in mess and hygiene issues due to improper tools and environment. Because of that younger generation getting more detach and racial tolerance are at stake.

This disposable kit holds the essential items needed for the ritual in a box.

Made entirely out of cardboard material, the parts that are not in contact with the perishables could be disposed into the nearest recycling bin.

Product when used in context. It doubles as a tray and boundary to hold the offerings in place to minimise mess and provides convenience in transportation.


Lim Kim


Loh Min Hwe