Berry-like-jumbo :
Boosting Motivation for Remote Learning
Designed by : | Germaine Tan |
Under the Supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Yen Ching Chiuan.
In remote learning, it’s common for students to feel unmotivated and delay before starting on work. berry-like-jumbo is a social presence network that lets you know which of your friends are currently at their desk, and for how long. It aims to discourage procrastination by simulating the experience of doing work with friends -- capitalizing on the mechanics of motivation contagion to effect positive attitudes among peers.
Each user is characterized by a circular avatar, which morphs throughout the passing of a day. The longer they remain at their desk, the bigger their avatar.
As users leave their desk, the circle fades into an outline.
Frequent fidgeting is represented by the number of dots, as captured by 2 PIR motion sensors on either side of the device.
All users will see a different interface, depending on whose devices they are connected to.
IoT simulation device : Participants found this real time presence indication reminiscent of a study companion, which proved useful in getting them to procrastinate less.
Web-based prototype : To assess the effectiveness of bi-directional interactions -- most proved superfluous and did little to enhance motivation.