WeightHero Image

Weight : 

Introspection about Weight of Our Words

Designed by : Winnie Lim
A world where words are spoken carelessly, are wedding vows still sacred?

Wedding vow is a significant promise. Juxtaposing it with how light our words have become, the growing divorce rate may not be the case if we have treated wedding vow as what it really is — a vow.
Weight displays wedding vow as a reminder. When the words are not upkept with touch, the vow gradually fades away. 
The letters are individually restored if one pays attention to the vow and touches the missing areas.
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When left unattended, reaching the state of forgotten promise – the erosion of vow progresses to an increasingly bleak message.

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Winnie Lim

Intrigued by human behaviours and fuelled by emotions, Winnie enjoys creating design with meaning and a story to tell. She believes that design is a lifelong journey of discovery, learning and sharing. In pursuit of curiosity and understanding, she has explored various fields of design and dabbled in performing arts.

Winnie’s interests lie in Exploratory Design, Discursive Design and Interaction Design.