The Optomec Aerosol Jet 5X system enables printing of interconnects on both 2D and 3D substrates. For 2D applications, multi-level interconnects can be created by printing a dielectric material at circuit cross over points – in essence emulating a multi-layer circuit board but on a single layer. Also, Aerosol Jet can print conformal interconnects on 3D surfaces eliminating the need for wire bonding – for example printing electrical connections on 3D stacked die or for LED chip fabrication.

The Aerosol Jet process supports printing on a wide variety of substrates including plastics, ceramics and metallic structures. Commercially available materials, such as nano-particle inks, have been optimized for the Aerosol Jet process to allow printing (and subsequent ink sintering) onto plastic substrates with low heat deflection temperatures.

Location: E6-01-03, Class 100 Cleanroom

Contact: e6nanofab@nus.edu.sg