NUS Summer school institute students’ visit, 5 JuLy 2024

On 5 July 2024, E6NanoFab had the pleasure of hosting students from the Inaugural NUS Summer School Institute Programme, offering them an exclusive tour of our state-of-the-art nanofabrication facilities.

Dr Manohar Lal, E6NanoFab Process Engineering Research Fellow, began the event with an informative overview of E6NanoFab. He provided insights into the advanced capabilities available at E6NanoFab.  Following this, the students toured the E6NanoFab cleanrooms at level 1 of the NUS E6 Building. We believe the visit to E6NanoFab provided the students with some understanding of the cutting-edge semiconductor technologies that would prepare them well for the exciting career ahead in the semiconductor industry.

Finally, we’d like to thank Dr Manohar, Mr Kinson Wong, Class 100 zone in-charge and Ms Xiao Yun, Class 10 zone in-charge for their time and efforts in making the tour a success.

Group Photo in front of Level 1 Lab 1000024718-2
Presentation Nanofab process -1000024707
Presentation E6NanoFab -1000024701
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