NUS Overseas Colleges

The NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) programmes provide opportunities for students to intern in start-up companies in leading entrepreneurial hotspots across the globe. The duration of the internships normally span one semester (short programmes) or two semesters (year-long programmes).



Students may participate in NOC programmes to partially fulfil the requirements of the Innovation & Design Programme and the internship requirement (if any) of their primary majors. Admission into NOC programmes is on a competitive basis and is managed entirely by NOC.

Year-long NOC programmes

Students who intend to participate in a year-long NOC programme should do so over Year 3 Semester 2 and Year 4 Semester 1. They may apply for NOC during Year 2 Semester 2.

Students in year-long NOC programmes may be exempted from the final year project course CDE4301A upon their return to NUS in Year 4 Semester 2, but will need to seek for approval for mapping to CDE4301A before embarking on their NOC internship. For students from Engineering disciplines, mapping of their year-long NOC programme to CDE4301A is allowed only if their NOC internship job scope is Engineering-related.

Mapping of year-long NOC programmes for Engineering students in the Innovation & Design Programme:

NOC courses for year-long programmes Courses replaced by NOC
TR3201N Entrepreneurship Practicum (8 units)

or ETP3203L Innovation & Enterprise Internship Practicum (8 units)

Cohorts AY2019/2020 and AY2020/2021:

  • Computer Engineering: Technical elective (breadth) (6 units) + unrestricted elective (2 units)
  • Other Engineering disciplines: EG2401A Engineering Professionalism (2 units) + technical elective (4 units) + unrestricted elective (2 units)

Cohort AY2021/2022 onward:

  • CDE4301A/EG4301A Ideas to Start-up (4 units out of 12 units) + unrestricted elective (4 units)
TR3202N Start-up Internship Programme (12 units)

or ETP3201L Innovation & Enterprise Internship (12 units)

or ETP3206L Innovation & Enterprise Internship (16 units)

Cohorts AY2019/2020 and AY2020/2021:

  • EG3612 Vacation Industrial Attachment (6 units) + EG4301 DCP Dissertation (4 units out of 12 units) + unrestricted elective (2 units)

Cohort AY2021/2022 onward:

  • EG3611A Industrial Attachment (10 units) + EG2401A Engineering Professionalism (2 units)
  • Excess 4 units from ETP3206L will be counted as unrestricted elective
TR3203N Start-up Case Study & Analysis (8 units)

or ETP3202L Innovation & Enterprise Case Study & Analysis (8 units)

Cohorts AY2019/2020 and AY2020/2021:

  • EG4301 DCP Dissertation (8 units out of 12 units)

Cohort AY2021/2022 onward:

  • CDE4301A/EG4301A Ideas to Start-up (8 units out of 12 units)
Entrepreneurship courses (4 units / 8 units) - depending on NOC location:

  • TR3002N/ETP3211 New Venture Creation
  • TR3049A/ETP3222A Topics in Entrepreneurship
  • TR3049B/ETP3222B Topics in Entrepreneurship


Group C courses (4 units / 8 units)

Note: Students will need to complete additional Group C course(s) in NUS if they are unable to complete 8 units of entrepreneurship courses during NOC.

ETP2271 Discovering Resilience and Purpose (2 units) Unrestricted elective (2 units)

NOTE: Students from non-Engineering majors will need to consult us and their home department for the mapping of the NOC programmes to their graduation requirements.

One-semester NOC programmes

Students who intend to participate in a one-semester NOC programme should do so in Year 3 Semester 2 only once they have completed the design project course CDE3301. They may apply for NOC in Year 2 Semester 2. Upon their return to NUS in Year 4 Semester 1, students are required to complete the final year project course CDE4301 or CDE4301A.

Mapping of one-semester NOC programmes (except NOC Singapore) for Engineering students in the Innovation & Design Programme:

NOC courses for one-semester programmes Courses replaced by NOC
TR3202S Start-up Internship Programme (12 units)

or ETP3201S Innovation & Enterprise Internship (12 units)

Cohorts AY2019/2020 and AY2020/2021:

  • EG3612 Vacation Industrial Attachment (6 units) + unrestricted elective (6 units)

Cohort AY2021/2022 onward:

  • EG3611A Industrial Attachment (10 units) + EG2401A Engineering Professionalism (2 units)
TR3204S Entrepreneurship Practicum (Short) (4 units)

or ETP3204S Innovation & Enterprise Internship Practicum (4 units)

Group C course (4 units)
Entrepreneurship course (4 units) - depending on NOC location:

  • TR3002N/ETP3211 New Venture Creation
  • TR3049A/ETP3222A Topics in Entrepreneurship
Group C course (4 units)
ETP2271 Discovering Resilience and Purpose (2 units) Unrestricted elective (2 units)

Mapping of NOC Singapore for Engineering students in the Innovation & Design Programme:

NOC courses for Singapore programme Courses replaced by NOC
TR3202T Start-up Internship Programme (12 units)

or ETP3201S Innovation & Enterprise Internship (12 units)

Cohorts AY2019/2020 and AY2020/2021:

  • EG3612 Vacation Industrial Attachment (6 units) + unrestricted elective (6 units)

Cohort AY2021/2022 onward:

  • EG3611A Industrial Attachment (10 units) + EG2401A Engineering Professionalism (2 units)
TR3203T Start-up Case Study & Analysis (8 units)

or ETP3202S Innovation & Enterprise Case Study & Analysis (8 units)

Note: TR3203T/ETP3202S will not longer be offered from AY2024/2025 onwards.

Unrestricted elective (8 units)
TR3204T Entrepreneurship Practicum (Short) (4 units)

or ETP3204S Innovation & Enterprise Internship Practicum (4 units)

Group C course (4 units)
TR4049T Seminars in Entrepreneurship (4 units)

or TR3002N/ETP3211 New Venture Creation (4 units)

Group C course (4 units)
ETP2271 Discovering Resilience and Purpose (2 units) Unrestricted elective (2 units)

NOTE: Students from non-Engineering majors will need to consult us and their home department for the mapping of the NOC programmes to their graduation requirements.