28 June 2024

Team Calibur clinches 3rd place at RoboMaster University League 2024

Congratulations to NUS Calibur Robotics for their excellent performance at the RoboMaster University League (RMUL) North America that was held at the University of Colorado Boulder on 13-19 June 2024!

The NUS team competed against more than 20 other teams from universities in America, Japan, Canada, Mexico, and Italy in both 1-versus-1 and 3-versus-3 categories of the competition. In the 1-versus-1 category, each team fielded a single Standard robot that fired projectiles to damage and eliminate their opponents as quickly as possible. Team Calibur competed in a total of nine matches and were placed 3rd out of 26 teams in the 1-versus-1 category. The accuracy and precision of the team’s Standard robot was the highlight of the category.

In the 3-versus-3 category, teams deployed three robots (Standard, Hero, and Sentry) to fight and destroy their opponent’s base by firing projectiles. Team Caliber topped their group in the group stage, and emerged in 3rd place in the subsequent knockout stages.